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Emergent Phenomena in Science and Everyday Life
by Michael Dennin , Jun Allard , Donald Saari , Andrea Nicholas , Fred Y.M. Wan , Siddharth A. Parameswaran- 4.4
Approx. 12 hours to complete
Before the advent of quantum mechanics in the early 20th century, most scientists believed that it should be possible to predict the behavior of any object in the universe simply by understanding the behavior of its constituent parts. Explain why the reductivist approach is understood by many to be inadequate as a means of describing and predicting complex systems....
Sustainable Food Production Through Livestock Health Management
by Dr. Jim Lowe, DVM, MS, Dip ABVP (Food Animal) , Dr. Brian Aldridge, BVSc, MS, PhD, Dip ACVIM (Large Animal), MRCVS- 4.8
Approx. 19 hours to complete
Learn about the impact of infectious disease on sustainable animal-based food production by understanding the science of growth, immunity, and infection and by learning the problem-solving skills needed to advance animal health and food production through optimal management practices. Watching the War: Anatomy of a Disease Outbreak Changing the Course of Infections...
Create and Lead an Ethical Data-Driven Organization
by Aaron Hui , Abhishek Gupta , Megan Smith Branch- 0.0
Approx. 13 hours to complete
Navigating a cultural shift requires leadership buy in, resourcing, training, and support through creation of boards, policies, and governance. A strong understanding of ethical organizational policies provides the foundation for consistent monitoring to maintain an ethical culture. The Importance of Having Ethics at the Core of Your Company Culture The Challenges in Ethical Governance of Data-Driven Technologies...
General Chemistry I: Atoms, Molecules, and Bonding
by Sylvia Ceyer , Mei Hong , Patti Christie , Alisa Krishtal- 0.0
15 Weeks
Topics include wave-particle duality, electronic structure of atoms, chemical bonding models, and intermolecular interactions. predict the structure and geometry of molecules, explore how molecules interact with each other and analyze how these interactions impact properties in a variety of phases The course image is of liquid oxygen suspended between two powerful magnets, demonstrating that oxygen is a magnetic species....
Lactation Biology
by Dr. Walter Hurley, PhD- 4.9
Approx. 40 hours to complete
The overall course goal is to introduce fundamental concepts that form the basis for understanding the biology of lactation, the biology of the mammary gland, and the products of that important physiological process. Ultimately, you will be able to construct your own mental model for understanding the wide range of topics that relate to the biology of lactation....
Introduction to Modern Biology | 现代生物学导论
by Yang Yang- 0.0
12 Weeks
欢迎同学们参加《现代生物学导论》的学习。在本学期中,我们将学习和生命相关的基础和前沿知识。本课程首先按照层层递进的框架结构,解释生物学的基本理论:在分子和细胞水平上,我们将会学习细胞的结构、生长、分裂和细胞通讯;在个体水平上,学习遗传和发育原理;在种群水平上,将了解生物演化,即整个种群在世代间的渐变,通过自然选择最终导致了今天我们所见到的多种生物;在生物群落和生态系统的水平上,将学习生态学,研究生物体之间以及生物与环境之间如何相互作用。本课程还将具体探讨演化的产物---生物体,着重讨论其结构与功能,这是大部分学生最感兴趣也是最为重要的部分。 生物学是一门快速发展的学科,不仅仅体现在越来越多的生物学现象被发现和理解,也体现在新的生物学技术应用和学科交叉上。所以,本门课程特别注重了解包括基因治疗、干细胞研究、重组DNA、生物芯片等现代生物学前沿方面的最新进展。而且,将会讨论生物学和物理、化学、数学、计算机、心理学等学科的交叉应用。生物学同时也是一门实验科学,我们将会介绍一些经典的、有趣的、甚至是有争议的生物学实验及其设计,希望同学们在学习的同时培养批判性的思维。本门课程的课堂教学追求通俗易懂,宏观与微观紧密联系,基础与应用相结合,帮助同学们加深对生命科学基本概念和原理的理解,引导学生树立正确的科学态度。 This introductory course includes the fundamental principles of biochemistry, genetics, molecular biology, and cell biology. In addition, each version of the subject has its own distinctive material. This course also focuses on the exploration of current research in cell biology, immunology, neurobiology, genomics, and molecular medicine....
Crucial Concepts in Dog Behavior & Training
by Ian Dunbar- 4.5
5.5 hours on-demand video
This online seminar consists of six hours of video lecture by renowned animal behaviorist and dog trainer, Dr. This course contains a collection of concepts that range from common sense to cutting edge. Differential Classical Conditioning, the Jolly Routine and the use of Secondary Reinforcers can quickly resolve these problems....
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Inside Your Dog's Mind with Victoria Stilwell
by Victoria Stilwell- 4.6
3 hours on-demand video
These are just a few of the questions answered in Inside Your Dog's Mind by world renowned dog behavior expert and TV dog trainer Victoria Stilwell from It's Me or the Dog. The last ten years have seen an explosion in the study of canine behavior and cognition, thanks to universities and research centers around the world....
Medical Neuroscience
by Leonard E. White, Ph.D.- 4.9
Approx. 71 hours to complete
The course concludes with a survey of the association systems of the cerebral hemispheres, with an emphasis on cortical networks that integrate perception, memory and emotion in organizing behavior and planning for the future; we will also consider brain systems for maintaining homeostasis and regulating brain state. Overview and Origins of Cortical Circuits, part 1...
Advanced Neurobiology II
by Chenjian Li , Donggen Luo , Yan Zhang- 4.3
Approx. 26 hours to complete
Neuroscience is a wonderful branch of science on how our brain perceives the external world, how our brain thinks, how our brain responds to the outside of the world, and how during disease or aging the neuronal connections deteriorate. 1 Introduction of behavior 3 Definition of behavior 4 Classification of behavior...