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Disability and Digital Media: Accessibility, Representation and Inclusion
by Gwyneth Peaty , Katie Ellis , Mike Kent- 0.0
4 Weeks
In Disability and Digital Media: Accessibility, Representation and Inclusion , we will explore the relationship between digital technologies and disability in the Internet age. In Disability and Digital Media , we will explore the relationship between digital technologies and disability in the Internet age. We will consider: the evolving impact of social media on representations of disability;...
Introduction to Digital Humanities
by Peter K. Bol- 0.0
7 Weeks
Develop skills in digital research and visualization techniques across subjects and fields within the humanities. As primary sources of information are more frequently digitized and available online than ever before, how can we use those sources to ask new questions? How did Chinese families organize themselves and their landscapes in China’s past?...
Data Visualization for All
by Jack Dougherty , Stacy Lam , David Tatem- 0.0
6 Weeks
Tell your story with charts and maps on the web, using easy-to-learn free tools: Google Sheets, Tableau, Highcharts, Carto, Leaflet, GitHub Tell your story and show it with data. In this data visualization course, you will learn how to design interactive charts and customized maps for your website. This introductory course in data visualization begins with the basics....
Creative Thinking: Techniques and Tools for Success
by Peter Childs- 0.0
7 Weeks
Learn how to apply tools and techniques to better solve problems, generate ideas, and excel in your chosen career. In today’s ever-growing and changing world, being able to think creatively and innovatively are essential skills. The greatest innovators aren’t necessarily the people who have the most original idea. Fun e-tivities and exercises; Practical lectures and tips;...
Existential Well-being Counseling: A Person-centered Experiential Approach
by Mia Leijssen , Siebrecht Vanhooren- 0.0
12 Weeks
Explore existential themes in your personal and professional life. Develop strengths and counseling skills to improve your well-being and the well-being of others. This humanities course offers you the opportunity to explore what really matters in life and teaches you how to nurture your well-being and enhance the well-being of others....
Diseño y Desarrollo de Recursos Multimedia para la Enseñanza Virtual
by Rocael Hernández Rissardini , Miguel Morales , Mónica Mishell Pérez de Santisteban , Carla Sandoval Orellana- 0.0
4 Weeks
Crea de una forma sencilla y fácil tus propios recursos de aprendizaje multimedia e interactivos para una enseñanza virtual exitosa. En cada lección encontrarás contenidos y actividades exclusivas para ti, más herramientas, material audiovisual, plantillas, guías de buenas prácticas, foros de discusión especiales para formar y promover una comunidad activa de aprendizaje....
Enseñar STEM: mucho + que fórmulas
by James Lang , Tomas Rada Crespo , Alis Yovana Pataquiva Mateus , Jaime Parra Rodriguez- 0.0
4 Weeks
En este MOOC el docente encuentra herramientas para diseñar y planear cursos STEM, centrados en los estudiantes. ¿Eres nuevo enseñando STEM en la Universidad? , ¿Quieres que tus cursos estén centrados en los estudiantes? este MOOC es para ti. Cuenta con cuatro unidades, el primer módulo plantea los principios básicos para comprender cómo funciona el aprendizaje....
Technology Innovation for Sustainable Development
by Klaus Schönenberger , Solomzi Makohliso- 0.0
6 Weeks
Learn how to use technology innovation as a tool to fight poverty and enable sustainable development. Technology innovation can be a great enabler for development in low and middle-income countries. This course presents a methodology and an approach to develop impactful innovations that have the power to foster sustainable development. There is no previous knowledge required....
Industrias sostenibles y competitivas
by Carlos Fúquene Retamoso , Fernando Uzcátegui Ponce , David Hidalgo Carvajal- 0.0
4 Weeks
Introducir el concepto de Sostenibilidad y analizar la relación entre la responsabilidad ambiental de las compañías y su competitividad. Una compañía que pretenda ser sostenible debe pensar en generar un valor económico, social y medioambiental, en el corto y largo plazo, a fin de contribuir al aumento del bienestar y el progreso de las generaciones presentes y futuras....
Hábitos de consumo sostenible: Motor de innovación
by Lucas Rafael Ivorra Peñafort- 0.0
4 Weeks
Aumentar la consciencia sobre sus estilos de vida y hábitos de consumo, y aprovechar esto para volverse más innovadores en lo que hacen. Este curso les ayudará a responder preguntas como: ¿Consumen más, menos, o justo lo que necesitan? ¿Les gusta botar dinero cuando compran y consumen algo o estarían interesados en que no tuvieran que desperdiciarlo?...