Fire Safety and Prevention Planning

  • 4.3
2 hours on-demand video
$ 9.99

Brief Introduction

Become an expert in understanding "Fire Safety" and "Prevention Planning" for your workplaces and organizations.


Course Outlines:

  • Number of Sections: 10

  • Number of Lectures: 29

  • Number of Quizzes:  1 comprehensive quiz

  • Number of Additional Resources: 17

  • Lectures Duration:  125 Minutes

Course Approach:  Thorough Detailing of Stated Subject, Practical Approach, Industries Best Practices Elaboration and Accelerated Learning Technique (ALT).


As witnessed by many or can even be seen on social media / print media that catastrophes occurred due to FIRE and the prime reason is lack of knowledge and understanding 'Learn not to Burn', around the globe almost every country has builtin legislation's regarding FIRE safety and prevention planing.  

Understanding of "Fire Safety and Prevention Planning" is one of the necessary ingredient of our life. In this course we will learn the detailed methods of "Fire Prevention" that are one of the pre-requisites to work in any organization,  even if you have no understanding about occupational safety or FIRE, this course is going to transform you from novice level to expert's grounds.

At the end of this course you will be able to implement Fire Safety and Prevention Planning within your organization and workplaces in accordance with the standard requirements.

This course is in compliance with the "Fire Safety Reforms 2005", "NFPA USA" and "OSHA" requirements.

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  • Requirements
  • You should have a place which is free from any distractions
  • You should closely concentrate on what is taught, sign-out from any social media
$ 9.99
Available now
2 hours on-demand video
Syed Muhammad Shamuel Shees


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