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by David Gossard , Thomas Peacock , J. Kim Vandiver- 0.0
4 Weeks
Intro course on the dynamics of mechanical systems: geometry of motion, forces causing motion, and predicting dynamic behavior with computational methods. In this course, students will learn to analyze and predict the dynamic behavior of objects and systems, their motions and associated forces, and understand mechanical systems of complexity that are representative of engineering practice....
Control Systems Made Simple | Beginner's Guide
by Dr. Ryan Ahmed, Ph.D., MBA- 4.4
7.5 hours on-demand video
Learn fundamentals of Mechanical & electrical system modeling, simulation and control with this unique practical course! This course covers the basics of modeling, simulations and control of mechanical and electrical systems. The section covers the basics of how to derive mathematical models from scratch, draw free body diagrams, apply Newton’s laws of motion and simulate mechanical systems using MATLAB/Simulink....
Transfer Functions and the Laplace Transform
by Haynes Miller , Jeremy Orloff , Jennifer French , Duncan Levear- 0.0
10 Weeks
An intro to the mysteries of the frequency domain and Laplace transform and how they're used to understand mechanical and electrical systems. We will illustrate these principles using concrete mechanical and electrical systems such as tuned mass dampers and RLC circuits. Describe the behavior of systems using the pole diagram of the transfer function....
Introduction to Basic Vibrations
by Yang-Hann Kim- 4.6
Approx. 6 hours to complete
These fundamental vibration systems provide a solid platform not only to understand general vibrations but also to apply or use them into simple mechanical problems. Vibrations of Linear Single-degree-of-freedom Systems 2: Concept of transfer function; stiffness and mass Basic theory of mechanical vibration Vibrations of Linear Double-degree-of-freedom Systems 1: The relation between mode shape and frequency...
Cavity Quantum Optomechanics
by Tobias Kippenberg , Markus Aspelmeyer , Florian Marquardt , Albert Schliesser- 0.0
6 Weeks
Optomechanics is the study of the interaction between light and mechanical systems which can result in the manipulation of the state of both light and the mechanics. Understand the physics of mechanical and optical resonators Understand the classical and quantum mechanical optomechanical phenomena...
Vibrations and Waves
by Yen-Jie Lee , Alex Shvonski , Michelle Tomasik- 0.0
18 Weeks
This course offers the you the chance to explore the many aspects of Vibrations and Waves and how they appear in physics, ranging from simple mechanical systems, to the light that we see, and even to the quantum realm. Vibrations of continuous systems...
Signals and Systems, Part 1
by Vikram Gadre- 0.0
10 Weeks
We encounter signals and systems extensively in our day-to-day lives, from making a phone call, listening to a song, editing photos, manipulating audio files, using speech recognition softwares like Siri and Google now, to taking EEGs, ECGs and X-Ray images. How to deal with an important class of systems namely, linear shift invariant systems...
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Density Functional Theory
by Francesco Sottile , Lucia Reining- 4.9
Approx. 25 hours to complete
We will in particular stress the features and reasons that lead DFT to become the dominant method for simulating quantum mechanical systems. Auxiliary systems 2. References :: auxiliary systems...
Machine Design Part I
by Dr. Kathryn Wingate- 4.8
Approx. 31 hours to complete
” The “Machine Design” Coursera series covers fundamental mechanical design topics, such as static and fatigue failure theories, the analysis of shafts, fasteners, and gears, and the design of mechanical systems such as gearboxes....
Quantum Mechanics for Scientists and Engineers 1
by David Miller- 0.0
9 Weeks
Key ideas in using quantum mechanical waves Mathematics of quantum mechanical waves Quantum mechanics of systems that change in time...