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Football Formation Asset Allocation Investing. Learn. Invest
by Neil Doig- 4.2
4.5 hours on-demand video
1) you can set this all up on autopilot using the latest Fintech products (all are regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority)....
Become a Top Banker with Complete Retail Banking Training
5 hours on-demand video
It covers almost every topic, which you need to launch a new career in Banking, NBFCs or Fintech in Just 20 Days. Start a Career in Banking, NBFCs and FINTECH...
Python Programming Complete Beginner Course Bootcamp 2021
by Dmitry Yedunov- 4.4
15.5 hours on-demand video
The Lecturer of the course, Dmitry, is an experienced Team Leader from the IT / Fintech industry....
Unsupervised Learning with Python: Step-by-Step Tutorial!
by Packt Publishing- 2.8
7.5 hours on-demand video
Master advanced clustering, topic modeling, manifold learning, and autoencoders using Unsupervised Learning with Python! Unlike supervised machine learning, unsupervised machine learning methods cannot be applied to a regression or a classification problem as you have no idea what the values for the output data might be, making it impossible for you to train the algorithm the way you normally would....
Python, Machine Learning and Algorithmic Trading Masterclass
by John Bura- 4.3
20 hours on-demand video
Projects of algorithms and technical analysis to add to your FinTech resume...
Mastering Price Action Trading with Supply and Demand
by Market Stalkers- 4.5
2 hours on-demand video
In the last three years, I've been creating mechanical trading systems as a managing director of a small fintech startup called Blahtech....
Exam Prep: CFA® Level 1 Bootcamp 2021 Curriculum (Part 2/2)
by 365 Careers- 4.5
29.5 hours on-demand video
Overview of portfolio management, portfolio risk and return, portfolio planning and construction, introduction to risk management, fintech in investment management...
¿Cómo ser Inversionista? Mejora tus Finanzas personales
by Mtro. Manolo G. del Lago de los Business- 4.7
6.5 hours on-demand video
Más de 15 estrategias para cumplir tus metas ¿Estás buscando en qué invertir para hacer crecer tu dinero y cumplir tus metas? El método que estas a punto de adquirir funciona incluso. . . Si empiezas desde 0 en el mundo de inversiones. Tienes poco capital inicial (En México puedes invertir desde $100)....
Learn Google Tag Manager 2018: Crash Course
by Alessandro Russo- 4.4
3 hours on-demand video
Learn how to make data-driven business decisions, analyze relevant insights, and improve your customers experience Based on Google Tag Manager 2018 - The course contains Assignments and Real World Examples! ABOUT THIS COURSE In the noisy digital world, data is what really matters. The painful problem is that each one of these tags (e....
Современные финансовые технологии
- 0.0
Approx. 15 hours to complete
Предпосылки возникновения и этапы становления FinTech Развитие FinTech в странах мира и в России Экосистема FinTech и ее основные элементы Технологии распределённых реестров и блокчейн в FinTech FinTech в инвестировании и платежных системах Современные подходы к регулированию FinTech...