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Supervised Machine Learning: Regression
by Mark J Grover , Miguel Maldonado- 4.7
Approx. 11 hours to complete
To make the most out of this course, you should have familiarity with programming on a Python development environment, as well as fundamental understanding of Data Cleaning, Exploratory Data Analysis, Calculus, Linear Algebra, Probability, and Statistics. Introduction to Supervised Machine Learning and Linear Regression Introduction to Linear Regression Linear Regression Demo - Part1...
Build Regression, Classification, and Clustering Models
by Anastas Stoyanovsky- 0.0
Approx. 20 hours to complete
Build Linear Regression Models Using Linear Algebra Build Linear Regression Models Using Linear Algebra Module Introduction Linear Regression Linear Equation Linear Regression in Machine Learning Matrices in Linear Regression Advanced Linear Models Guidelines for Building a Regression Model Using Linear Algebra Building Linear Regression Models Using Linear Algebra Build Regularized and Iterative Linear Regression Models...
VLSI CAD Part I: Logic
by Rob A. Rutenbar- 4.7
Approx. 23 hours to complete
Linear algebra and calculus at the level of a junior or senior in engineering. Computational Boolean Algebra...
Introduction to Quantum Computing for Everyone
by Diana Franklin , Kate Smith- 0.0
5 Weeks
A limited set of linear algebra operations will be taught so that students can calculate operation results....
Introduction to Enumerative Combinatorics
by Evgeny Smirnov- 4.7
Approx. 111 hours to complete
However, some acquaintance with basic linear algebra and analysis (including Taylor series expansion) may be very helpful. Linear recurrences. Linear recurrence relations: definition Linear recurrence relations of order 2 Linear recurrence relations of arbitrary order Solving linear recurrences Generating functions of linear recurrence relations are rational Sidebar: q-binomial coefficients in linear algebra...
Statistical Inference and Modeling for High-throughput Experiments
by Rafael Irizarry , Michael Love- 0.0
4 Weeks
2x: Introduction to Linear Models and Matrix Algebra...
Mastering Quantum Mechanics
by Barton Zwiebach- 0.0
18 Weeks
Learn the foundations of quantum mechanics – wave mechanics, spin one-half, vector spaces and linear operators, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, quantum dynamics, two-state systems, entanglement, and angular momentum. The last part of the module gives an in-depth look into linear algebra to establish the mathematical foundation necessary to do quantum mechanics....
Mastering Quantum Mechanics Part 1: Wave Mechanics
by Barton Zwiebach , Jolyon Bloomfield- 0.0
4 Weeks
Learn the foundations of quantum mechanics, including wave mechanics, spin one-half states, linear algebra and bra-ket notation of Dirac. You will learn about the technology of spin one-half states and spin operators and get an in-depth look into linear algebra to establish the mathematical foundation necessary to do quantum mechanics. Linear Algebra...
Applied AI with DeepLearning
by Romeo Kienzler , Niketan Pansare , Tom Hanlon , Max Pumperla , Ilja Rasin- 4.4
Approx. 24 hours to complete
We’ll learn about the fundamentals of Linear Algebra and Neural Networks. Linear algebra Linear Model...
Python Machine Learning : Learn Handson™
by Handson ™- 4.7
7.5 hours on-demand video
Naive Bayes Classifier, Decision tree, PCA, kNN classifier, linear regression, logistic regression,SVM classifier Linear Algebra, Exploratory Data Analysis, Linear Regression, Various Classification techniques, Clustering, Dimensionality reduction and Artificial Neural Networks. Linear Regression, SVR, Decision Tree Regression, Random Forest Regression Linear Algebra Review: Eigen value decomposition. Using in-built Python libraries for solving linear regression problem....