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Natural Language Processing with Python: 3-in-1
by Packt Publishing- 3.5
4.5 hours on-demand video
Krishna Bhavsar has spent around 10 years working on natural language processing, social media analytics, and text mining. He has worked on many different NLP libraries such as Stanford Core NLP, IBM's System Text and Big Insights, GATE, and NLTK to solve industry problems related to textual analysis....
Python and Machine-Learning for Asset Management with Alternative Data Sets
by Gideon OZIK , Sean McOwen- 4.4
Approx. 19 hours to complete
Processing text into vectors Lab session: Applied Text Data Processing...
Machine Learning
by Andrew NgTop Instructor- 4.9
Approx. 61 hours to complete
The course will also draw from numerous case studies and applications, so that you'll also learn how to apply learning algorithms to building smart robots (perception, control), text understanding (web search, anti-spam), computer vision, medical informatics, audio, database mining, and other areas....
Natural Language Processing(NLP) with Deep Learning in Keras
8.5 hours on-demand video
This course offers you many examples, with different datasets suchs as Google News, Yelp comments, Amazon reviews, IMDB reviews, the Bible corpus, etc and different text corpus. At the final in Chapter 4 you will put in practice your knowledge with practical applications such as Multiclass Sentiment Analysis, Text Generation, Machine Translation, Developing a ChatBot and more....
Data, Analytics and Learning
by George Siemens , Carolyn Rosé , Dragan Gašević , Ryan Baker- 0.0
4 Weeks
Learners will explore the logic of analytics, the basics of finding, cleaning, and using educational data, predictive models, text analysis, and activity graphs and social networks. How to approach a problem in the area of text mining using LightSIDE, how to engineer features for text classification, how to use LightSIDE for automated collaborative learning process analysis...
Health Informatics for better and safer healthcare
by Maxim Topaz- 0.0
4 Weeks
How is Text and Data Mining used in Healthcare?...
Learn Data Science Deep Learning, Machine Learning NLP & R
by Cinnamon TechX- 4.5
70.5 hours on-demand video
What's made these successes possible are primarily two factors, one being the vast quantities of images, speech, video and text that is accessible to researchers looking to train machine-learning systems. Considering the staggering amount of unstructured data that’s generated every day, from medical records to social media, automation will be critical to fully analyze text and speech data efficiently....
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Foundations of marketing analytics
by Arnaud De Bruyn- 4.6
Approx. 6 hours to complete
The domain of Marketing Analytics is absolutely huge, and may cover fancy topics such as text mining, social network analysis, sentiment analysis, real-time bidding, online campaign optimization, and so on....
Python: A-Z Artificial Intelligence with Python: 5-in-1
by Packt Publishing- 3.9
8.5 hours on-demand video
Lastly, you will build intelligent applications centered on text and time series data. You will also learn about text processing techniques and practice with bag-of-words and word2vec models. Joshua Eckroth is Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Stetson University, where he teaches Big Data Mining and Analytics, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Software Engineering....
Creating a Portfolio
by Ramabhadran Thirumalai , Prasanna Tantri- 4.4
Approx. 10 hours to complete
Strategies based on Text Mining...