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Quantum Information Science II: Quantum states, noise and error correction
by Isaac Chuang , Aram Harrow- 0.0
4 Weeks
Already know something about quantum mechanics, quantum bits and quantum logic gates, but want to design new quantum algorithms, and explore multi-party quantum protocols? This is the course for you! Prior knowledge of quantum circuits and elementary quantum algorithms is assumed. These courses are the second part in a sequence of two quantum information science subjects at MIT....
Quantum Information Science II: Efficient Quantum Computing - fault tolerance and complexity
by Isaac Chuang , Aram Harrow- 0.0
4 Weeks
Interested in how quantum computing at scale may be achieved, and already know something about quantum circuits and quantum error correction? This is the course for you! Prior knowledge of quantum circuits and elementary quantum algorithms is assumed. These courses are the second part in a sequence of two quantum information science subjects at MIT....
Quantum Information Science II: Advanced quantum algorithms and information theory
by Isaac Chuang , Aram Harrow- 0.0
4 Weeks
Learn how quantum algorithms and communication protocols apply in complex and advanced scenarios. This three-module sequence of courses covers advanced topics in quantum computation and quantum information, including quantum error correction code techniques; efficient quantum computation principles, including fault-tolerance; and quantum complexity theory and quantum information theory. Prior knowledge of quantum circuits and elementary quantum algorithms is assumed....
Atomic and Optical Physics Iā Part 1: Resonance
by Isaac Chuang , David E. Pritchard , Wolfgang Ketterle- 0.0
4 Weeks
First part of a course in modern atomic and optical physics: the physics of resonances, a central theme in atomic physics. This is the first of five modules to introduce concepts and current frontiers of atomic physics, and to prepare you for cutting-edge research: 8. 421. 1x: Resonance 8. 421. 2x: Atomic structure and atoms in external field...
Atomic and Optical Physics: Quantum States and Dynamics of Photons
by Isaac Chuang , David E. Pritchard , Wolfgang Ketterle- 0.0
4 Weeks
Learn about the physics of photons with applications to modern atomic and optical physics. In this physics course, you will learn about the quantum description of light with applications to squeezed states of light and teleportation as well as the non-classical states of light and single photons. You will learn how to do metrology with light....
Atomic and Optical Physics: Atom-photon interactions
by Isaac Chuang , David E. Pritchard , Wolfgang Ketterle- 0.0
4 Weeks
Learn how use quantum electrodynamics to describe the physics of interactions between atoms and photons. In this physics course, you will be introduced to the QED Hamiltonian (Quantum ElectroDynamics), and learn how to construct diagrams for light-atom interactions. Using your new tools you will study Van der Waals and Casimir interactions, resonant scattering and radiative corrections....
Atomic and Optical Physics: Ultracold Atoms and Many-body Physics
by Isaac Chuang , David E. Pritchard , Wolfgang Ketterle- 0.0
4 Weeks
Learn about ultracold atoms and Bose-Einstein Condensate and applications to solid-state physics and quantum information science. In this physics course you will learn about ultracold bosons and fermions, and you will hear from Prof. Ketterle about Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC). Prof. 8. 422. 1x: Quantum states and dynamics of photons 8. 422....
Atomic and Optical Physics I ā Part 2: Atomic structure and atoms in external field
by Isaac Chuang , David E. Pritchard , Wolfgang Ketterle- 0.0
4 Weeks
Second part of a course in modern atomic and optical physics: the structure of atoms, and how they behave in static electromagnetic fields. This is the second of five modules to introduce concepts and current frontiers of atomic physics and to prepare you for cutting-edge research: 8. 421. 1x: Resonance 8....
Atomic and Optical Physics: Light Forces and Laser Cooling
by Isaac Chuang , David E. Pritchard , Wolfgang Ketterle- 0.0
4 Weeks
Learn about light forces, laser cooling and how to create optical atom traps. In this physics course, you will learn about the spontaneous and stimulated light force and friction force in molasses and optical standing waves. You will also study light forces in the dressed atom picture. 8. 422. 1x: Quantum states and dynamics of photons...
Atomic and Optical Physics: Optical Bloch Equations and Open System Dynamics
by Isaac Chuang , David E. Pritchard , Wolfgang Ketterle- 0.0
4 Weeks
Learn about the Optical Bloch equations and their solutions with applications to open system dynamics. This physics course presents a general derivation of the master equation and the optical Bloch equations. You will learn about various solutions of the optical Bloch equations, and you will discuss the quantum Monte Carlo wavefunction approach....