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Showing 2 courses


By Category
  • Humanities & Social Science(2)
By Subject
  • Other Languages(2)
By Language
  • English (2)
Description of Other Languages Courses
  • Other Languages courses cover a range of languages that are not commonly taught in mainstream language programs.
Common Things Learned
  • Students in Other Languages courses will learn to read, write, speak and understand a new language. They will learn to communicate with others in the target language, and also gain an appreciation of the culture and customs of the people who speak it. Students will learn grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and syntax. They will also learn how to form sentences, ask questions, and engage in conversations. By the end of the course, students will be able to hold basic conversations in the target language.
Typical Student
  • Typical students in Other Languages courses are those who are interested in learning a new language and culture, either for personal or professional reasons. Students may be traveling to a country where the language is spoken, or may be interested in communicating with friends or family who speak the language. Others may be interested in learning the language to enhance their resume or career prospects.
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  • It typically takes about 6 months to a year to get the fundamentals of a new language, depending on the intensity of the course and how much time is devoted to study. Becoming well adept in the language can take several years of consistent practice and immersion, depending on the student's goals and desired level of proficiency.
  • Other Languages courses can be taken as standalone courses or as part of a larger language program. Before taking an Other Languages course, it is recommended that students have some basic knowledge of the language they will be studying, such as the alphabet and some basic vocabulary. After completing an Other Languages course, students may continue on to more advanced courses in the language, or may choose to study another language.

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  • Other Languages can be used in a variety of fields, including business, education, government, and tourism. In business, knowledge of a foreign language can be an asset when working with clients or partners in other countries. In education, it can be useful for teaching students who speak the language, or for teaching the language to students who do not. In government, it can be useful for communicating with foreign officials or for working in international relations. In tourism, it can be useful for communicating with tourists who speak the language and for understanding the culture of the country.

  • Related Fields
  • Other Languages are needed in a variety of careers, including international business, translation and interpretation, foreign language teaching, and government work. In international business, knowledge of a foreign language can be an asset when working with clients or partners in other countries. In translation and interpretation, knowledge of a foreign language is essential for accurately translating written or spoken language. In foreign language teaching, knowledge of a foreign language is essential for teaching students who speak the language. In government work, knowledge of a foreign language can be useful for communicating with foreign officials or working in international relations.

  • Examples of Common Careers
    • International Business Consultant
    • Translator/Interpreter
    • Foreign Language Teacher
    • Diplomat
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