Search result for Courses taught by Wang Guixiang



Showing 1 courses


By Category
  • Humanities & Social Science(1)
By Subject
  • Humanities(1)
By Language
  • English (1)
By Duration
  • 20+ hours (1)
Description of Humanities Courses
  • Humanities is a course category that focuses on the study of human culture, history, and language. It encompasses a broad range of subjects, including literature, philosophy, art, and music.
Common Things Learned
  • In Humanities courses, students learn about the history of human culture and how it has evolved over time. They also learn about different forms of artistic expression, such as literature, music, and art. Students analyze and interpret these works to gain a deeper understanding of human thought and behavior. In addition, Humanities courses teach critical thinking, research, and communication skills that are valuable in many fields.
Typical Student
  • Typical Humanities students are those who are interested in learning about human culture, history, and language. They enjoy reading, analyzing, and interpreting texts from different periods of history and from different cultures. They are also interested in the arts and enjoy exploring different forms of artistic expression.
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  • To get the fundamentals of Humanities, it typically takes one or two semesters of study. However, to become well adept in this topic, it can take several years of study and practice. Students who continue on to graduate studies in Humanities may spend several more years mastering their craft.
  • Humanities is used in many fields, including education, law, journalism, and social work. In education, Humanities is used to teach critical thinking, research, and communication skills. In law, Humanities is used to understand the social and cultural context of legal issues. In journalism, Humanities is used to analyze and interpret news stories. In social work, Humanities is used to understand the social and cultural factors that contribute to social problems.

  • Related Fields
  • Humanities is needed in many specific careers, including teaching, law, journalism, and social work. In teaching, Humanities is used to teach critical thinking, research, and communication skills. In law, Humanities is used to understand the social and cultural context of legal issues. In journalism, Humanities is used to analyze and interpret news stories. In social work, Humanities is used to understand the social and cultural factors that contribute to social problems.

  • Examples of Common Careers
    • Teacher
    • Lawyer
    • Journalist
    • Social Worker
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