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Showing 2 courses


By Category
  • Humanities & Social Science(2)
By Subject
  • History(2)
By Language
  • English (2)
By Duration
  • 20+ hours (2)
By Price
  • $20 - $50(2)
Description of History Courses
  • History is the study of past events, societies, and cultures. It involves the examination and analysis of various historical sources and the interpretation of these sources to understand the past.
Common Things Learned
  • In History courses, students learn about significant events, people, and cultures throughout history, and how they have shaped the world we live in today. They learn how to analyze primary and secondary sources, interpret historical data, and develop critical thinking skills. Students also learn about historical research methods and how to write effective historical essays. Additionally, History courses encourage students to develop a global perspective and appreciate cultural diversity.
Typical Student
  • Typical students in History courses are curious individuals who are interested in learning about the past and how it has influenced the present. They are critical thinkers who enjoy analyzing and interpreting data, and they have strong reading and writing skills. Students who enjoy research and writing are particularly well-suited for History courses.
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  • It typically takes one semester to get the fundamentals of History and develop a basic understanding of significant events and cultures throughout history. Becoming well adept in this topic can take several years of study, depending on the student's level of interest and dedication. Students who pursue advanced degrees in History may spend several years researching and writing a thesis or dissertation.
  • History courses build upon one another, with each course examining different periods, regions, or themes in greater depth. Some courses focus on specific topics, such as the history of science or women's history, while others provide a broad survey of a particular region or time period.

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  • History is used in a wide range of fields, including education, law, journalism, politics, and business. In education, History is used to teach critical thinking skills and promote cultural understanding. In law, History is used to support legal arguments and provide context for legal decisions. In journalism, History is used to provide background information and context for news stories. In politics, History is used to inform policy decisions and provide historical perspective. In business, History is used to understand market trends and consumer behavior.

  • Related Fields
  • History is needed in a variety of careers, including education, law, journalism, politics, and business. In education, History teachers instruct students at all levels, from elementary school to college. In law, historians may work as legal consultants, providing historical research to support legal cases. In journalism, historians may work as reporters or editors, providing historical context for news stories. In politics, historians may work as policy analysts or advisors, providing historical perspective on current issues. In business, historians may work in market research or consumer behavior analysis.

  • Examples of Common Careers
    • History Teacher
    • Legal Consultant
    • Journalist
    • Policy Analyst
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