WELL AP Complete Exam Prep Course

  • 4.3
3.5 hours on-demand video
$ 49.99

Brief Introduction

Exam Prep Course prepared by an experienced WELL AP | One on one experience on how to pass the WELL AP test


  • This course is based on WELL v1, which is the current version that is used for the creation of all WELL exams through the year 2020.

As being derived from the official WELL AP study guide that has been adopted as primary course material by many universities throughout the United States and abroad, this course helps the student to understand the important aspects of wellness in buildings and the key guidelines on how to prepare for the test. The course covers the whole WELL AP exam scope. This approach helps the students to avoid procrastination and focus on the important points. It also gives immense confidence and enthusiasm to take the real-time test.

WELL AP exam is more detail-oriented than tricky (unlike LEED AP). So to understand the most important features and points to note are extremely important. My videos are on-demand and clearly demonstrate the highlight of the exam and preparation guidelines.

This preparation course constitutes of downloadable resources that are required to study for the WELL AP test, my on-demand videos on each and every topic (also outlining all 100 features) and their sub-phrase and important notes. My personal notes have been attached that helped me pass my WELL AP in the second try.

The reason why this course makes itself different from the others is due to the involvement of my own experience along with a few others on their experiences with WELL AP. This course is also recommended for students, professionals, and anyone who has not chosen to take the WELL AP exam, but nonetheless retains a strong interest in Wellness in buildings.


  • Requirements
  • No Prerequisites
$ 49.99
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3.5 hours on-demand video
Nishtha Sadana | Architect | LEED Green Associate | WELL AP
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