Wedding speech made simple: Learn story telling to captivate

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Brief Introduction

Make your friends proud to have chosen you to deliver a most engaging wedding speech and connect with all their guests


Frightened to speak at your friends' wedding?
Lacking ideas on what to speak about?

Need to feel more confident about delivering a memorable speech?
Looking for easy ways to make sure you speak and get appreciated?

Reliable step-by-step method to give an engaging wedding speech

This course is made of bite-sized content, directly applicable to prepare your speech.
Not like a thick book of theory, this guides you very progressively to:

  • get free from your fear and instantly change it into your most supportive attitude
  • know exactly where to focus your efforts to save you time in preparation
  • gives you practical "done for you" examples that you just need to adapt
  • share what truly matters to you, staying authentic and credible
  • find your own style, that makes you comfortable and convincing

Backed from experience and results

I've been using this course as a basis to train professional storytellers, since 2006.
You have access here to the essence of the most useful fundamental practices,
derived from training hundreds of people over the last 20 years.

Content Overview

Since you may be blocked by fear of public speaking, we address this first to set you free.
So, the first part deals with mental attitude.

Then, you need to grab the wedding guests' interest and keep it along with you.
So, the second part helps you design a captivating content.

Finally, you want people to appreciate and remember you, while feeling comfortable.
So, the third part deals guides you to embrace the style that suits you best.

Next step

Enrol in this course and within the next hour, you already have designed and rehearsed your speech. Do you then feel ready for the wedding?

Better now than later because

Price will increase to 29$ on March 10th.

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