UK Genealogy: Researching Wills and Probate

  • 4.8
3 hours on-demand video
$ 12.99

Brief Introduction

A guide to carrying out wills and probate searches, and reading and understanding probate records.


If you have already carried out some family history research and have made some way into your ancestry, you will now want to dig deeper.  Wills and probate records are some of the most interesting genealogy records you can use, giving you extra genealogical information, and insights into your ancestors' property, wealth, relationships and character.  If you think your ancestors may have left a will, but you find the search for wills confusing and complicated, this course will help to simplify the procedure, as well as giving you some guidance into understanding and reading them.


  • Requirements
  • The student should have already made some progress in researching their family tree.
  • The student should have some knowledge of using the internet
$ 12.99
Available now
3 hours on-demand video
Rosamunde Bott


Rosamunde Bott

  • 4.8 Raiting
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