Test automation of REST services

  • 4.3
2.5 hours on-demand video
$ 12.99

Brief Introduction

Course learns how to test REST-services and automate this process with help of Java and awesome library REST-assured


        Course is about testing of REST-services. Since REST-full architecture has became the most popular in web-applications, the course will be useful for QA Engineers, testers and Test Developers who work with a web. Well structured video lectures will help you to learn how to test REST-services, automate this process with help of Java, JUnit, TestNG and "REST Assured" and organise automation process on entire project. Any practical knowledge is not useful and applicable if you do not familiar with theory. I've took care of it so you will get excellent union of theory and practice. 

You definitely have to take this course because it increases your technical level, make you more attractive for employer, gives you additional arguments on a salary review. 

Develop your skills, invest in yourself. 


  • Requirements
  • Installed Java (JDK)
  • Know Java basics (desired but not required)
$ 12.99
Available now
2.5 hours on-demand video
Alex Zvolinskiy


Alex Zvolinskiy

  • 4.3 Raiting
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