ServiceNow Certified System Administrator CSA Practice Exam

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Brief Introduction

4 Prep Exams for the Latest ServiceNow CSA Admin Exam (240 Questions)



This Course is intended to help you to pass the ServiceNow Exam. This is not the real certification exam, rather it is a practice test. This course contains 4 exams with 240 questions on ServiceNow Administration covering almost every topic required in the ServiceNow CSA Administrator exam. If you are looking for ServiceNow Admin Training, we offer live classes separately. If you need Live Training in ServiceNow Admin, Developer you can contact me at  

The topics which are covered in these mock tests are

User Interface and Navigation A. Understand the key UI components of ServiceNow B. Explore lists and forms, as well as their respective features C. Identify the importance of branding, as well as how to apply it to the platform

Users and Tasks A. Know how users are organized in ServiceNow, including how they are added to the  platform and access different areas B. Identify practices related to task management, including features/tools available to  leverage C. Know what notifications are and what they are used for

Data Administration A. Understand the database schema B. Identify how to utilize a configuration management database and why C. Know how to populate the database D. Understand basic reporting and the benefits of performance analytics E. Know how to protect data in ServiceNow

Service Automation A. Know about the Knowledge Base and its content creation process B. Explore the Service Catalog and its components C. Understand what Workflows are and why they are used D. Identify how Service Level Agreements are used

Introduction to Scripting and Development A. Identify various script types available in the platform and what they enable B. Understand what features are available for instance maintenance C. Know about instance upgrades, performance, and cloning D. Know about application development and general guidelines

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Mohsin Raza


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