Prep to Pass: Practice Tests (SHRM-CP/SCP®)(PHR/SPHR®) Exam

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$ 24.99

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320 Practice Questions to Prepare for Human Resources Certification Exam


Ready to take on Human Resources Certification Exams? 

These practice tests simulating the real computerized exam will help you prepare to achieve success on your test date. You will have access to three tests - 300 practice questions total - and a short quiz that will assess Human Resources (HR) knowledge and understanding of factual information, and scenario-based situational judgment, application, and decision-making skills. Take and retake the test multiple times to improve your test-taking skills and HR knowledge, and you'll feel confident and comfortable to take on the real exam.

Trademark Attribution: SHRM-CP®/SHRM-SCP® is a trademark of SHRM. PHR®/SPHR® is a trademark of HRCI.

$ 24.99
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Kathy Nguyen, MPS, PHR, SHRM-CP


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