Powering you with PowerShell

  • 4.6
2 hours on-demand video
$ 12.99

Brief Introduction

Fundamentals of PowerShell


This course is targeted for new developers or administrators wanting to learn PowerShell. PowerShell can be a very good way to learn Programming too. You will learn how to call existing Commands in PowerShell, how to find commands and how to search commands.

Then, you will learn the programming basics like Variables, Loops and Functions.

The Course is divided into Three Sections.

Section 1 is like a Lecture describing the concepts in PowerShell and you can close your eyes and listen

Section 2 is the best way to learn by watching and getting ready to face the world. If you have your own Windows PC, launch PowerShell and try the commands.

Section 3 shares my real world experiences in PowerShell and how PowerShell helps to solve many problems. PowerShell is very powerful to save time of many manual tasks that takes days to be automated in 1 hour of coding and executing. Learn from my mistakes and do not repeat them!


  • Requirements
  • Be able to use Windows and launch programs
  • Desire to learn development
$ 12.99
Available now
2 hours on-demand video
Thangu(Thangeswari) N


Thangu(Thangeswari) N

  • 4.6 Raiting
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