MTA 98-361 Software Development Fundamentals C# Exam Prep

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Be prepared for the Microsoft MTA 98-361 Software Development Fundamentals Exam with this 1 Stop Q&A


This Practice test course is part of the MTA - Beginner to Certification Ready International Exam Prep Q&A series from a Software Development Instructor with 16+ years experience in successfully getting students certification-ready.

Take your first steps towards becoming a Programmer/Software Developer!

Benefits and Features:

  • Prepare yourself for the Software Development Fundamentals Exam MTA 98-361 with realistic questions with accurate answers and thorough explanation of each Q&A concept.

  • The focus of explanations is understanding and insight - understand why answers are correct or incorrect so you are not taken by surprise with unexpected exam questions.

  • Use this Q&A and approach your exam with confidence, expecting to succeed!

  • You won't need expensive additional preparation Q&A's.

  • 6 Practice tests with 200+ questions in total.

  • Each test covers one Exam Objective - ideal for learning per Objective!

  • For each test you have completed, you can review the answers and study explanations aimed at understanding concepts. Links are also provided for more in-depth information about concepts.

All Exam Objectives are thoroughly covered through questions, answers, explanations and additional study guides and resources:

  1. Understanding Core Programming

  2. Understanding Object-Oriented Programming

  3. Understanding General Software Development

  4. Understanding Web Applications

  5. Understanding Desktop Applications

  6. Understanding Databases


Access to the following downloadable resources and study guides after you have signed up:

  • How to approach and pass the MTA 98-361 exam - Step-by-step guide. (with Exam tips) - downloadable pdf file loaded with for crucial info on approaching and passing the exam.

    In the guide, you will find a recommendation with 7 steps to take to pass the exam:

    1. Overview

    2. What software to install.

    3. How to obtain fundamental knowledge for the MTA 98-361.

    4. How to access and use the study guides and other resources.

    5. How to use the practice tests.

    6. How to book the exam.

    7. Exam taking tips.

    ++Access discount codes +free download links to additional resources, including:

  • Free Downloadable Objective 1 Study Guide with summaries, explanations, exercises and Review questions

    The Objective 1 study guide contains the following: All you need to know about Core programming...

    ++80 pages with extensive coverage of Knowledge areas and topics, with clear summaries and explanations.

    ++20+ Coding exercises, starting off by installing and preparing your Development environment, working with built-in types, reference types and date-and time types, implementing decision structures like if-else and switches, operators, loops, recursion and exception handling.

    ++Review questions for each topic

  • Huge discounts on the Objective 2-6 study guides.

  • The Objective 2 study guide contains the following: All you need to know about Object-oriented programming...

    ++75 pages with extensive coverage of Knowledge areas and topics, with clear summaries and explanations.

    ++12+ Coding exercises, including creating a class with get and set properties, methods and fields, constructors, working with delegates and events, applying inheritance, polymorphism and encapsulation, new vs override and interfaces.

    ++Review questions for each topic

  • The Objective 3 Study guide contains the following: All you need to know about General Software Development - Data structures and sorting algorithms, Application lifecycle management & the SDLC, Software Testing.

  • The Objective 4 study guide contains all you need to know about Web development - HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, ASP.Net, ASP.Net MVC, web services and web hosting using IIS.

  • The Objective 5 study guide contains all you need to know about Desktop applications - Console apps, Windows apps, WPF & UWP apps, Windows services.

  • The Objective 6 study guide contains all you need to know about Databases - Relational database management systems, SQL & T-SQL, DDL, DML, database query methods, database connection methods and working with data in C# and the .Net Framework (Visual Studio).

  • Links and discount codes to other downloadable guides and documents to assist you in preparing for the exam, e.g.:

  • Recursion made easy guide.

  • Data structures and sorting algorithms made easy study guide & snap-sheet for quick revision.

  • Worksheets to plan your studies

  • Discounted Access to a downloadable pdf copy of the questions, answers and explanations, with the following benefits:

    ++Downloadable to any device.

    ++Study at your own pace, no time limits.

    ++Easy searches and comparisons of topics.

    ++Anytime, offline access.

    ++Not dependent on external servers.

    ++Format easy for studying purposes: Question, answer options, answer and explanation of each question grouped together.

Enroll now to test your knowledge with this simulated practice test and to access all these amazing additional resources.

$ 12.99
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Sonia Cross


Sonia Cross

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