Master Vedic Maths & Mental Maths through Animated Videos

  • 4.5
5 hours on-demand video
$ 11.99

Brief Introduction

Speed Easy Fast quick Techniques tricks key concepts quizzes shortcuts IQ skills Olympiads for complete Mathematics prep


Hi Students, here I am going to tell you how our course is different from others

1. Our Course is designed through White Board Animated Videos, So you can avoid seeing the face of Trainer, which improves your attention.

2.Your trainer is an expert with 15 years of Experience in teaching.

3. You will gets the Knowledge contains in 50 best Vedic Maths books, behalf of you I went through all those books and taken the best out of them and created this Course for you.

4. Here you see how to apply the learned techniques in Real time World

5. Here we don't teach but we train you to solve.

6. We the testprep24 team is available 24*7 to clarify your doubts.

What Students Say about Our Course :

  • Greatest Course ever seen in Udemy. - by-----Yeeshu Das Manikpuri

  • This Course is just amazing. Mental Maths is something which fascinates very much. I love the content being provided -by -----   Meetu Kaur.

  • Amazing course with good techniques that are explained -by----  Nitin Bhushan

  • ek no bhai !!! keep up ! All the best! -- by---- Aakash Fofindi

  • Yes it was a good match for me it helps me solving - by---Agamjyot Singh Maan

  • This course is short and Sweet -- by ----Santhosh

  • Its just amazing and these tricks gonna help me a lot in solving problems much accurately - by---- B.Leena

  • Very informative Course -- by-- Satinder Rana

  • Wonderful Techniques with good explanation --by ----  Saurabh Pandey

  • Yes. Very informative Course, worth spending. - by-- Vrinda

  • Amazing videos and Amazing tricks. -- by ----  Durgesh Sharma

  • The lector is straight to the point, it is great -- by---- Robert Zvara

  • Yes, this really helps me in calculation --by ---- Shoaib Ahmad

  • Its very good Complex things are explained very simple -- by--  CRR Varma


  • Requirements
  • Students who have passion to learn Vedic Math Techniques which makes their life easy
  • People plans to save their valuable Time by avoiding lengthy Calculations
  • People who are interested to learn Math with fun Through Animated Videos
$ 11.99
Available now
5 hours on-demand video
Devaki subbalakshmi


Devaki subbalakshmi

  • 4.5 Raiting
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