Master the Expander: The #1 Tool for Transcription!

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4 hours on-demand video
$ 13.99

Brief Introduction

Learn to use the text expander to increase your typing speed and productivity at the keyboard!


Welcome to the first course of its kind, specifically designed to teach the transcriptionist how to become super efficient at the keyboard with the use of a text expander! 

In brief, the text expander is a typing productivity tool that docks onto the bottom of any word processor, such as MS Word, Google Docs, and editing platforms used by transcription companies. With the expander docked to your editing screen, specialized terminology and commonly used phrases can be typed very quickly using abbreviations or shortcuts that the user assigns to the program. This significantly reduces the number of keystrokes needing to by typed, which in turn increases your speed immensely.  The text expander also prevents critical spelling errors and cuts down on the amount of wear and tear on your wrists, joints, and hands.

This course is geared toward the transcriptionist who has peaked in their level of productivity at the keyboard and would like to increase their line rate. This course will also benefit the transcription student who is looking for an in-depth course on the text expander so they are more prepared prior to entering the workforce. With the specialized terminology already provided within the text expander glossaries, students and seasoned transcriptionists alike will feel more equipped and efficient in their work as a transcriptionist.

Stay ahead of the curve and learn how to use the text expander program that all your colleagues are talking about!  


  • Requirements
  • Please Note: The text expander used to demonstrate shortcut methods (Instant Text) is NOT compatible with macOS.
  • Installation of Instant Text Pro 7 is recommended, but the shortcut methods taught in this course is applicable to all other third-party text expander programs.
  • As this course will be utilizing Instant Text Pro 7 to learn shortcut methods, instructions on where and how to download the free 30-day trial is included.
  • Geared toward medical transcriptionists, but this course can also be used as a guide on how to use the text expander for other types of transcription (legal, general).
$ 13.99
Available now
4 hours on-demand video
Linda Wagner


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