Ignite Your Passion for Reading: Fall in Love with Books

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Brief Introduction

Discover books YOU love and learn how to find new bookish friends!


  • Do you wish you enjoyed reading more than you do?
  • Have you never really known how to find books that you'll enjoy?
  • Do you struggle to find the time and the motivation to read as much as you would like?
  • Are you normally an avid reader, but sometimes you find yourself in a 'reading slump', bored by every book you pick up and unable to concentrate?

Whether you love reading books, or have never really got into it as a hobby, if you answered yes to any of the above questions, this course is for you!

I believe that reading should be fun above all else, so I'll talk you through how to discard all your previous ideas about what books you 'should' be reading. I'll share several different methods to find books that match your interests and that you will enjoy.

I'll also tell you how, if you want to, you can meet other book fans, online and in person, and turn reading from a solitary activity into something social.

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