How to create your company in Malta ? Step-by-step guide

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2.5 hours on-demand video
$ 24.99

Brief Introduction

Understand the formation process and taxes for foreigns entrepreneurs


We partnered with the ACT advisory company to create a unique course to help foreign entrepreneurs to understand the steps in the process of company formation in Malta.

Why this course was created?

My name is Verolina Kintop, and I was an expatriate in Malta for about a year. When I moved there from France, I wanted to set up a company, but I didn’t know how to go about this at all and was afraid to seek advice from experts who I didn’t really know.
This has spurred me to create a course for foreign entrepreneurs to help them get reliable information – not only from experts but also from other entrepreneurs.

The course guide you thought a Limited Liability Company formation in Malta as well as a basic understanding of how and where you have to pay taxes when you are an international entrepreneur or digital nomad.

- Documents and forms you need, how to fill them

- Writing of the Memorandum and Articles

- All the important information about taxes.

- Interview with one German entrepreneur who created in Malta his own Digital Agency as well as coworking space Glashaus

- Interview with a Co-founder of the company who helps to refund back VAT when the company had the expenses abroad

- Document with Memorandum and Articles which you can adapt for your business

The course is created in English with French subtitles.


  • Requirements
  • Just to have a laptop
$ 24.99
Available now
2.5 hours on-demand video
Vérolina Kintop


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