Getting Business Loans Approved by Banks

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2 hours on-demand video
$ 12.99

Brief Introduction

Learn How to Request Financing for your Business, and How to Discuss It With Banks


This course explains how Banks look at business loan requests, and what Business owners should know to improve the Chance-to-Yes, meaning, the chance of a loan approval.

Preparing a good request for financing and being able to discuss it with the Bank is essential to increase the probability of having the loan approved.

During the course you will understand how banks interpret the requests for financing from their risk point of view. Many times entrepreneurs not only do not know which information to provide to banks, but also do not understand which information is crucial for banks to make a decision. This course will explain it all.

We will also look at what type of loans requests Banks do not usually support and the reasons for that.

By getting the communication with the Bank right, convincing Banks to grant the business loan becomes far easier.

(The course deals with business loans only, and not personal loans like mortgages, car or other consumer financing)


  • Requirements
  • Basic knowledge of banking products
  • Basic knowledge of a company's financial statements (Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Cash Flow)
$ 12.99
Available now
2 hours on-demand video
Ana Lucas


Ana Lucas

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