Get Started with CodeceptJS 3, Playwright & WebdriverIO

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4 hours on-demand video
$ 12.99

Brief Introduction

Course to get started with automated testing using CodeceptJS 3 with Playwright & WebdriverIO along side API testing


In this tutorial, you will get hands on experience in using JavaScript & CodeceptJS with different helpers like Playwright & WebdriverIO. We will begin with covering the basics of JavaScript and Node. Then in the next section we will start by understanding CodeceptJS framework and then as the course will proceed you will see how to do different operations in CodeceptJS and get in depth knowledge of the same. In the end, you will see how we change framework to support parallel execution and hence achieve the real benefits that we get with automated testing. We will also touch base on how we can do API testing in this course using codecept


  • Requirements
  • Basics of any programming language
$ 12.99
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4 hours on-demand video
Gurjeet Bains


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