Clear Your Clutter and Make Space for Your Dreams

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41 mins on-demand video
$ 59.99

Brief Introduction

Learn How to Declutter and Organize Your Home to Transform Your Life. Less stuff = More Happiness!


Your home has the potential to be a peaceful and inspiring retreat and supportive foundation that helps you live your best life!

But for so many people, clutter gets in the way. The average home has over 300,000 items. Who could possibly care for all that stuff and still have time for the people and experiences that truly bring us joy in our life? No one can!

Research shows clutter and disorganization make us feel stressed and overwhelmed. Clutter makes us feel bad about ourselves, drains our time and energy, weighs on our minds, keeps us stuck in the past, blocks new things and opportunities from coming into our lives, and can be a source of conflict in relationships.

And clutter has a ripple effect that touches all areas of our lives. For example, having to rummage through piles and piles of papers in a packed filing cabinet to find an important document may make you snap at your spouse, which in turn puts you and your partner in a bad mood and affects your relationship. Or it may make you late for work, which in turn affects your job. Or it can simply make you feel bad about yourself for being disorganized, which is a feeling you carry with you throughout the day…. and on and on…

Think of how much time and energy we spend taking care of our stuff—we have to buy it, return it, clean it, organize it, maintain it, repair it... it's overwhelming. If your stuff is serving you it may be worth it the energy, but if it’s just clutter then it’s taking away from your ability to focus on, and attend to, and enjoy what’s truly important.

Clutter isn't just the obvious broken items or things disrepair or worn out. Clutter can also be something that’s in perfectly good condition that simply no longer has meaning for us, or worse, is associated with a negative or upsetting memory. It can become an anchor to the past that prevents us from moving forward. The physical clutter is often tied to emotional baggage.

When you let go of clutter you will feel lighter and you will make space for what’s truly meaningful to you here and now. You will make space for more joy and love in your life. As you clear clutter in your physical space you will also clear your mind.

So let’s get started with our simple step-by-step process for clearing all your clutter that even busy parents and professionals can achieve.

By taking our course you will learn to:

  • Identify the types of clutter that may be less obvious, but can have the biggest impact on your wellbeing.

  • Truly understand and appreciate why clutter holds us back and negatively impacts our life to help inspire you to make a change.

  • How to declutter in a way that isn't overwhelming.

  • How to incorporate intention in every step of the process to maximize the impact of clutter clearing.

  • Tips for letting go of the items that have sentimental value or we feel obligated to keep.

  • Steps to maintain a clutter-free home and prevent new clutter from accumulating.


  • Requirements
  • No Prerequisites.
$ 59.99
Available now
41 mins on-demand video
Laura Forbes Carlin


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