AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals & Voucher -December 2020

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Brief Introduction

Pass AZ-900 exam in the first attempt with latest practice questions, 100% real exam based, and detailed explanations.


  • Official Microsoft Az-900 exam questions

You will find latest and unique questions, 100% based on the real exam. All questions mimic the actual, and the latest Microsoft Azure Fundamentals certification exam, which will help to pass the exam in the first attempt.

  • Earn FREE EXAM VOUCHER AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals

Provides details to earn free training and FREE EXAM VOUCHER for AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals

  • Error-free detailed explanations with reference links

Each question has a detailed explanation of the answer along with complete reference links. This will allow you to understand why or why-not an answer option is correct or incorrect.

  • Pass the Microsoft Azure AZ-900 exam in the first attempt.

Our tests are 100% similar to the official exam in terms of the questions asked and format. Also, it contains a detailed explanation of the questions and answers. This is why our student's pass the official AZ-900 exam in the first attempt.

  • Monthly questions updates

The tests are updated frequently to stay up to date with the new changes to the official Microsoft exam

  • 30 Day money back guarantees

If you are not satisfied, you can avail a 100% refund within 30 days of your purchase.

  • Questions cover official AZ-900 exam domains:

    Describe cloud concepts (20-25%)

    Describe core Azure services (15-20%)

    Describe core solutions and management tools on Azure (10-15%)

    Describe general security and network security features (10-15%)

    Describe identity, governance, privacy, and compliance features (20-25%)

    Describe Azure cost management and Service Level Agreements (10-15%)

  • Prepared by Azure expert and Microsoft Certified Trainer

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