AZ-301 : Microsoft Azure Architect Design : Practice Tests

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$ 13.99

Brief Introduction

Latest practice questions with detailed explanations. Pass the Microsoft Azure AZ-301 exam in the first attempt.


Welcome to the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals (AZ-301) practice test course. This course will help you test your knowledge on the Microsoft AZ-300 exam and will help you prepare for the final exam. With our practice tests, you will be able to pass the official exam pretty much easier and in the first attempt.

What you get?

  • 155 latest practice questions

  • 2 Case Studies

  • Thorough explanation for each question

  • Reference links to the official MS documentation

  • 30 days money-back guarantee

The tests cover the following AZ-301 exam domains:

  1. Determine workload requirements (10-15%)

  2. Design for identity and security (20-25%)

  3. Design a data platform solution (15-20%)

  4. Design a business continuity strategy (15-20%)

  5. Design for deployment, migration, and integration (10-15%)

  6. Design an infrastructure strategy (15-20%)

    See you on the course.

$ 13.99
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