Advanced QlikView 12 for Developers

  • 4.1
3.5 hours on-demand video
$ 12.99

Brief Introduction

Design powerful dashboards with QlikView for BI solutions


QlikView is one of the most flexible and powerful Business Intelligence platforms around. If you want to build data into your organization, build it around QlikView. Don't get caught in the gap between data and knowledge—find out how QlikView can help you unlock insights and data potential with ease. 
Whether you're new to QlikView or want to get up-to-speed with the features and functionality of QlikView, this course starts at a basic level and delves more deeply to demonstrate how to make QlikView work for you, and make it meet the needs of your organization. Using a real-world use-case to highlight the extensive impact of effective business analytics, this course might well be your magic bullet for success.
A superb hands-on guide to exploring the highly efficient techniques in QlikView and successfully implementing it, technically and strategically. You'll learn valuable tips, tricks, and insights into loading different types of data into QlikView, and how to model it effectively. You will also learn how to write useful scripts for QlikView to handle potentially complex data transformations in a way that is simple and elegant. Along with this, you will learn to improve user experiences and implement security features for your QlikView documents.


  • Requirements
  • This video is for QlikView users who have attended QlikView Developer training.
$ 12.99
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3.5 hours on-demand video
Packt Publishing


Packt Publishing

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