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Introduction to Social Media Analytics
by David Schweidel- 4.4
Approx. 9 hours to complete
Social media not only provides marketers with a means of communicating with their customers, but also a way to better understand their customers. Viewing consumers’ social media activity as the “voice of the consumer,” this session exposes learners to the analytic methods that can be used to convert social media data to marketing insights....
Social Assertiveness, Confidence & Communication Skills
by Alain W.- 4.3
2 hours on-demand video
Boost Your Assertiveness, Social skills, Communication Skills, Social Confidence, Charisma, Self Esteem, Social Dynamics Presented by the social skills expert, Alain W. , who is a recognized expert in the field of social skills and communication skills with over 15 years of experience...
Network Dynamics of Social Behavior
by Damon Centola- 4.6
Approx. 5 hours to complete
How did social norms about same sex marriage change more rapidly than anyone anticipated? - explain how computer models are used to study challenging social problems - describe how networks are used to represent the structure of social relationships - provide concrete examples of how social networks can influence social change 7 Course Conclusions: The Network Dynamics of Social Behavior...
Assertiveness Basics: The 50-minute Communication Guide
by Dr. Roy Naraine- 4.5
1 hour on-demand video
Social Dynamics....
Epidemics - the Dynamics of Infectious Diseases
by Dr. Ottar N. Bjornstad , Dr. Rachel A. Smith , Dr. Mary L. Poss , Dr. David P. Hughes , Dr. Peter Hudson , Dr. Matthew Ferrari , Dr. Andrew Read , Dr. Marcel Salathé- 4.8
Approx. 17 hours to complete
We'll even be looking at social networks - how diseases can spread from you to your friends to your friends' friends, and so on. We’ll also be talking about how mobile phones, social media and crowdsourcing are revolutionizing disease surveillance, giving rise to a new field of digital epidemiology. Social Influences on Immunity...
Social Network Analysis
by Martin Hilbert- 4.7
Approx. 10 hours to complete
This course is designed to quite literally ‘make a science’ out of something at the heart of society: social networks. While such network structures always existed, computational social science has helped to reveal and to study them more systematically. Social Equals Network Social Network Analysis Social Network Analysis - Getting Started...
Computational Social Science Methods
by Martin Hilbert- 4.7
Approx. 11 hours to complete
This course gives you an overview of the current opportunities and the omnipresent reach of computational social science. Blumenstock from UC Berkeley discusses how we can gain insights by studying the massive digital footprint left behind today’s social interactions, especially to foster international development. Discover how social networks and human dynamics create social systems and recognizable patterns....
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What does it mean to identify as Transgender or Gender Non-Conforming (TGNC)?
by Michael W. Ross- 4.6
Approx. 27 hours to complete
This course explores the concept of gender identity for people who are curious about the nature of gender, the process of gender affirmation, or changing social dynamics....
Co-Creating Sustainable Cities
by Gert Spaargaren , Ellen van Bueren , Co-creating sustainable cities – Course contributors- 0.0
8 Weeks
This MOOC will teach you about the dynamics of co-creation and the key principles of citizens interacting with service providing companies, technology and infrastructure developers, policy makers and researchers. You will become equipped to indicate how you can use co-creation to develop innovative technologies, policy arrangements or social practices for a sustainable city in your own community....
Introduction to Sociology
by Lisa Grey Whitaker- 0.0
8 Weeks
In this sociology course, you will learn about the social processes groups of all sizes follow to form, function and evolve over time. You will also learn about the ongoing dynamic individuals actively create in their social environment and how they are shaped by it. Major Social Institutions in the U. Deviance and Social Control Social Problems and Social Change...