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The Modern and the Postmodern (Part 2)
by Michael S. Roth- 4.8
Approx. 14 hours to complete
This course examines how the idea of "the modern" develops at the end of the 18th century in European philosophy and literature, and how being modern (or progressive, or hip) became one of the crucial criteria for understanding and evaluating cultural change....
Music and Social Action
by Sebastian Ruth- 4.7
Approx. 26 hours to complete
Elements of the Philosophy of Right by G....
Aging: Making the Rest of Your Life the Best of Your life
by Noah Letner- 5
1 hour on-demand video
This course is loaded with practical advice, philosophy for everyone and great tips to truly live with zest and vitality. The 4 pillars of philosophy for everyone....
Premiere Pro Lumetri: Color Correct like a Pro
by Jordy Vandeput- 4.4
2 hours on-demand video
Learn the essentials of color philosophy and perform technical color correction and grading tasks. You will learn different techniques while also understanding how color philosophy works....
Color Correction & Grading with Adobe Premiere Pro 2020
by AK Media- 3.6
43 mins on-demand video
Learn the essentials of color philosophy and perform technical color correction and grading tasks. You will learn different techniques while also understanding how color philosophy works. The philosophy of digital color...
The Dao Of Self Healing
by Wobbly Spoon- 4.6
9.5 hours on-demand video
Fundamentals of Qi Gong, Meditation, Dao Yin Yoga, Nutritional Healing & Self Healing Philosophy...
Introduction to Native American Mindfulness
by Hyapatia Lee- 4.7
1 hour on-demand video
Understanding Native American principles of mindfulness. Most people erroneously think about crystals and feathers when they hear about Native American mindfulness, but few know the best-kept secrets of Native American philosophy. Medicine wheels and keys open the door to understanding the techniques of our system. This is an introduction to the Native Strength system....
Developing Your Educational Leadership and Management Vision
by Professor John Fischetti , Dr Scott Imig- 0.0
4 Weeks
You will be guided in evaluating your leadership strengths and opportunities for growth, and will develop a personal leadership philosophy and vision. Develop a personal leadership philosophy and vision...
iPhone Photography 101
by Jared Wells- 0.0
1 hour on-demand video
My philosophy is that anyone can learn to take great photographs....
by Dr. Dave Ward , Professor Duncan Pritchard , Professor Michela Massimi , Dr. Suilin Lavelle , Dr. Matthew Chrisman , Dr. Allan Hazlett , Dr. Alasdair Richmond- 4.7
Approx. 15 hours to complete
本课程将为你介绍现代哲学中的一些研究领域。在每个模块中,将由不同的哲学家为你讲述其专业领域内最重要的疑问和问题。 首先,我们来了解什么是哲学,哲学有哪些独特的目标与方法以及哲学与其他学科有何不同?之后,我们会在课程剩余的时间内向你简要介绍各种哲学领域的总体情况。你要学习的主题包括:知识论,其中将讨论囊括我们对世界和我们自身的了解以及如何获取这些知识;科学哲学,我们将在此模块中调查科学研究和实践中的基础概念问题;心灵哲学,我们将在此模块中询问物质拥有心灵的意义以及应如何理解和诠释心灵;道德哲学,我们将在此模块中探究道德判断和反应的本质,看它们是旨在得出客观的道德真相,还是仅作为个人或文化偏好,以及,形而上学,我们将在此模块中思考有关事实本质的一些基础概念问题。 本慕课 (MOOC) 课程由爱丁堡大学 Eidyn 研究中心领导设计。为配合“哲学导论”的授课,我们为大家倾力推荐一本由 Routledge 出版社出版的名为 "Philosophy for Everyone" 的配套书籍。这本“哲学导论”的课程配套书籍是由爱丁堡大学哲学小组为满足慕课 (MOOC) 学生要求而编写的。"Philosophy for Everyone"一书中包含清晰易懂的章节、章节摘要、词汇表、探究问题、补充阅读推荐以及在线资源指南。 This is a translated version. To join the original English version, Please visit this page https://www. coursera. org/learn/philosophy 什么是哲学? - Dave Ward 简介:什么是哲学? 哲学:困难、重要且无处不在 哲学:我们如何思考? 是否存在对事物“正确的”思维方式? 模块简介:什么是哲学? 关于本课程 可选阅读 (练习) 什么是哲学? (评分) 什么是哲学? 什么是知识?我们有知识吗?- Duncan Pritchard...