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IBM Data Science Professional Certificate
- 0.0
Kickstart your career in data science & ML. Build data science skills, learn Python & SQL, analyze & visualize data, build machine learning models. Upon successfully completing these courses, you will have built a portfolio of data science projects to provide you with the confidence to plunge into an exciting profession in data science....
Discrete Math and Analyzing Social Graphs
by Владимир Подольский , Ilya V. Schurov , Stepan Kuznetsov- 4.4
Approx. 20 hours to complete
The main goal of this course is to introduce topics in Discrete Mathematics relevant to Data Analysis. We will start with a brief introduction to combinatorics, the branch of mathematics that studies how to count. This Course is part of HSE University Master of Data Science degree program. Inequations on the Number of Connected Components...
Data Science for Professionals
by Gregory Sward- 4.3
6.5 hours on-demand video
Whether it's spreadsheets, text documents, or slides, anyone who analyzes, reports, or presents data will benefit from a knowledge of data science programming. There are many courses out there that make dubious claims of easy mastery of machine learning and deep learning algorithms - this is not one of those courses....
Resilience in Children Exposed to Trauma, Disaster and War: Global Perspectives
by Ann S. Masten, Ph.D., LP- 4.7
Approx. 20 hours to complete
Week 1: Origins and Landmark Studies in the Science of Resilience in Children 2 Origins and 4 Waves of Resilience Science Week 5: Roles of Families, Schools, Culture, and Community in Promoting Resilience of Children 2 The Short List 7 The Roles of School in Child Resilience Interview with Michael Ungar (part of Active Learning Project 4)...
BECOME A GREAT SINGER: Your Complete Vocal Training System
by Robert Lunte- 4.4
23 hours on-demand video
The TVS vocal training courses and books are widely considered to be the most comprehensive and complete home study vocal training programs ever developed for singers of all styles and levels of experience. Scroll through the curriculum / the list of video lectures to preview the value contained in this complete vocal training system....
Python Programming with Data Science
by Sai Acuity Institute of Learning Pvt Ltd Enabling Learning Through Insight!- 4.3
16.5 hours on-demand video
In short, understanding Python is one of the valuable skills needed for a data science career. In 2019 IEEE Spectrum (world’s largest professional organization dedicated to applied science and engineering) has ranked Python at the top of the list of ‘top programming languages in 2019’ Data science experts expect this trend to continue with increasing development in the Python ecosystem....
Tensorflow Deep Learning - Data Science in Python
by Minerva Singh- 4.6
7 hours on-demand video
Over the course of my research I realized almost all the Python data science courses and books out there do not account for the multidimensional nature of the topic and use data science interchangeably with machine learning. My course, on the other hand, will give you a robust grounding in all aspects of data science within the Tensorflow framework....
Data Science and Machine Learning with R and Python
by Ankita khanna- 3
6 hours on-demand video
Data Science with R: Types of operators used in R,IF statements,IF then else statement,nested IF, ifelse() function,switch statement,FOR loop,While loop,repeat,break,next statement Data Science with Python: Basics of Python,importing sys library,platform,checking the platform,run a code,checking data type,performing calculations,concatenating of strings,conversion of values,working on tuples, Zip function,Iterate the value of tuple,If statement,else if statement,for loop,while,exception handling...
The Age of Sustainable Development
by Jeffrey SachsTop Instructor- 4.8
Approx. 30 hours to complete
The Age of Sustainable Development" gives students an understanding of the key challenges and pathways to sustainable development - that is, economic development that is also socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable. The Basic Science of Climate Change QUIZ: The Basic Science of Climate Change and Consequences Principles of Good Governance Feasibility of Sustainable Development...
Data Structures and Algorithms In Java for Coding Interview
by Deepali Srivastava- 4.1
10.5 hours on-demand video
Linked List "It is one of the few courses on Udemy that deals with the actual implementation of the concepts of data structures. As of now I am completely satisfied with the course. "Effective and lucid! This is in fact one of the most underrated courses on Udemy when it comes to Data Structures and Algorithms....