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Excel Pratico, da 0 a Utente Esperto in modo facile e veloce
by Massimiliano Alfieri- 4.6
11.5 hours on-demand video
Diventa un super utente di Excel e arricchisci il curriculum con una conoscenza approfondita di uno software essenziale Insomma un corso completo ma adatto a tutti, sia a chi non ha mai utilizzato Excel e sia a chi lo usa già da anni ma che vorrebbe approfondire la sua conoscenza in maniera semplice e funzionale....
Controlling mit Excel - Teil 2
by Kristoffer Ditz- 4.3
1 hour on-demand video
Lernen Sie nützliche Excel-Formeln für die Arbeit im Controlling Allgemein Als Controller kennen wir natürlich viele nützliche Formeln in Excel. Die Klassiker wie SVERWEIS, SUMMEWENN, WENN(ODER, etc. sind natürlich keine Herausforderungen mehr. In diesem Video-Kurs lernen Sie weitere Excel-Formeln, die Ihnen im Controlling helfen werden. Dieser Video-Kurs ist die ideale Ergänzung zum Video-Kurs "Controlling mit Excel"...
كورس المحاسبة الالكترونية والاكسيل المتقدم
by Khaled Ibrahim- 4.7
7 hours on-demand video
اقوي شرح للمحاسبة الالكترونية من الصفر حتي الاحتراف ومهارات الاكسيل المتقدم انت علي طريق الاحتراف خطوة بخطوة في هذا الكورس تعليم مهارات الاكسيل المحاسبي مهما كان مستواك من البداية حتي تصبح محترفا وجاهز لسوق العمل ولديك الخبرة في مجال الحسابات بالاكسيل يوجد 50 فيديو لكل مايحتاج المحاسب في سوق العمل من تحليل وتصميم للحسابات...
Buchhaltung mit Excel
by Kristoffer Ditz- 4.3
1.5 hours on-demand video
Einstieg in Excel für die Buchhaltung Allgemein Nicht immer haben wir im Unternehmen eine Software, die die Aufgaben der Buchhaltung übernimmt. Insbesondere dann, wenn es sich um ein Einzelunternehmen handelt. Forderungen müssen entsprechend überwacht, Zinsen eines Kredites berechnet und Umsatzsteuer an das Finanzamt abgeführt werden. In diesem Video-Kurs lernen Sie, wie Sie mit Excel erste notwendige Aufgaben bearbeiten können....
Build Excel Spreadsheet for Work From Home Business Accounts
by Jennifer Bailey- 4.7
2.5 hours on-demand video
Create fully functioning Accountancy/ Bookkeeping Spreadsheet and Improve Your Microsoft Excel Skills Microsoft's Excel 2016 for Windows is a very useful and powerful piece of software - but it can appear daunting if you have never used it before. By the end of this intermediate course, Jennifer gets you feeling confident about creating your a detailed Excel spreadsheet....
Financial Accounting Plus Excel and SAP Crash Course.
by BizExcel Solutions (2010)- 3.9
1 hour on-demand video
Learn fundamentals of the financial accounting and get from novice to know it all in no time This course provides an introduction to financial accounting. At the end of the course, you will be able to fully understand fundamentals of Financial Accounting, use of Excel in Accounting and role of modern ERP system such as SAP....
Accounting 101: Using Microsoft Excel For Accounting in 2021
by Chris Benjamin, MBA & CFO- 3.9
2.5 hours on-demand video
Template Included For Download! Learn How To Do Basic Accounting, Track Revenue, Expenses, Profit and Cash. Does The Idea Of Learning An Entire Accounting System Like Quickbooks Not Appeal To You? Do You Run A Business You Want To Properly Do Accounting For But With Ease and Low Effort? Do You Want A Free Solution To Doing Accounting?...
Automated Financial Reporting In Excel: One-Click Reports
by Illumeo Learning- 3.6
1 hour on-demand video
This course explores the ways of automating periodic financial reporting processes. In this course we explore ways of automating monthly, quarterly, and yearly financial reporting processes to achieve the ultimate goal of “one-click reporting”. We start with a brief overview of the many data and reporting challenges facing accountants and analysts....
Matemática Financeira no Excel
by Arthur Borges- 4.4
4.5 hours on-demand video
Potencialize seus conhecimentos de Matemática Financeira com o poder do Excel Neste curso você aprimora sua capacidade de aplicar a Matemática Financeira na prática. Você vai automatizar cálculos, apurar valores financeiros a partir de uma massa maior de dados. Pense: como calcular os valores envolvidos num financiamento imobiliário de 360 prestações?...
Finanças Pessoais com Excel
by Gabriel Goulart Ferreira- 3.4
42 mins on-demand video
Organize sua vida financeira para poder alcançar objetivos e sonhos em sua vida. No curso de FINANÇAS PESSOAIS COM EXCEL você vai aprender a gerir suas receitas e despesas, visando objetivos como, guardar dinheiro para uma viagem, poder comprar um smartphone ou um instrumento musical, investir em um curso ou outros interesses....