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MS Excel Pivot: Mengolah Data Menjadi Lebih Mudah dan Murah!
by Jubilee Enterprise- 4
3 hours on-demand video
Mengupas Fitur Pivot pada MS Excel Sampai Pembahasan tentang Dashboard! Tunjukkan kepada bos bahwa Anda telah JAGO menggunakan PIVOT pada MS EXCEL. Tidak peduli jenis bisnis, usaha, memiliki masalah dalam spreadsheet serta presentasi chart, atau ingin meningkatkan skill, video course ini tepat untuk Anda. Yang Anda butuhkan hanyalah MS Excel (2013-2019 atau 365)....
Microsoft Excel Bootcamp - Sıfırdan Expert səviyyəyə .
by Anar Mammadkarimov- 5
5 hours on-demand video
Excelin bütün spesifikasiyalarını və yeniliklərini sıfırdan öyrənin . Bu kurs sizə gələcəkdə karyeranızı bu yolda inkişaf etdirməyə imkan verəcək Microsoft Excel əsaslı bacarıqları əldə etməyə kömək edəcəkdir . Bilik və bacarıqlarınızı quizlər və yekun imtahan verməklə mükəmməlləşdirə və sınaya bilər və rəqəmsal nişanlı sertifikat əldə edə bilərsiniz. Bazadan üstün səviyyəyə qədər Excelin əsasları haqqında bilik və bacarıqlar əldə edəcəksiniz....
Excel Basics to Advance Training Course 2020
by Accountech Training & Solutions- 4.1
7.5 hours on-demand video
Excel Basics to Advance Training Course 2020 covers Vlookup , Pivot table , if conditions , dashboard reporting & more Excel Basics to Advance Training Course 2020 covers Vlookup , Pivot table , if conditions , dashboard reporting & more Microsoft Excel Course: Advanced Excel Training: You are here because you want to learn Excel....
Maneja tus Finanzas Personales mientras aprendes Excel 2013
by Silvia Marinho- 4.1
2 hours on-demand video
¡Dos cursos en uno! Aprende a manejar tu dinero de manera más eficiente, mientras aprendes a usar Excel 2013. Todos los días tomas decisiones sobre tu dinero, pero ¿esas decisiones te acercan cada día a tu independencia financiera? El presente curso está diseñado para personas de cualquier edad, con poco o ningún conocimiento sobre Finanzas Personales, ni Excel 2013....
CUSTEIO POR DEPARTAMENTO: manual de implantação com Excel
by João Rafael Alberton- 3.3
2 hours on-demand video
Aprendendo a teoria e a prática do MÉTODO DE CUSTEIO POR DEPARTAMENTO com o RKW com o auxílio do Excel O curso terá a seguinte estrutura: 1 - O que vem a ser o método de custeio por departamento? 2 - Quais os conhecimentos básicos para implantar este método? 3 - Passos para implantação do método...
Excel for Accounting and Bookkeeping
by Niran Marshall Perera- 4
3 hours on-demand video
Be Your Own Accountant By Developing Your Own Accounting Template This course is designed to teach anyone who enroll to develop an Accounting Template on their own. Course will Start with the discussion of, Basic Accounting Principles So the follower of the Course will have Basic idea about the Accounting Concepts which...
QuickBooks Online vs. QuickBooks Desktop vs. Excel
by Robert (Bob) Steele- 4.6
54.5 hours on-demand video
QuickBooks and Excel accounting cycle, reporting financial transaction to both QuickBooks and Excel compare and contrast Would we like to run our business better using accounting software? Would we like to better understand accounting concepts, how they apply to accounting software, and work accounting problems MUCH faster? Would we like to advance our career by increase our skills with business software?...
Microsoft Office Basic to Advance Training Course Bundle2021
by Accountech Training & Solutions- 4.6
6 hours on-demand video
Microsoft Office Basic to Advance Training Course Bundle2021 which includes Word , Excel , Powerpoint , Outlook and more Learn Microsoft Office 2013 and 2016 with this comprehensive course. Microsoft Office has made Easy to help you learn all courses. You get our complete courses including Excel, Word, PowerPoint and Outlook....
Quantitative Investment Analysis in Excel (Template Incl.)
by Daniel Davis- 3.1
1.5 hours on-demand video
Use Excel to Model Investing Strategies; Learn to Back Test and Optimize Your Strategies (Template Included) Have you ever heard of Quantitative Investing? Do you want to sharpen your skills within Microsoft Excel? This course will take you through the process of building a quantitative investment model in Excel. ****Investment Modeling Template Included****...
Planilha de Orçamento Pessoal sem Mistério
by Aline dos Reis Cavalcante- 4.4
40 mins on-demand video
Incluso o Download da Planilha de Controle Financeiro Pessoal Pode ser que você já tenha tentado montar diversas vezes uma planilha de orçamento pessoal mas não sabe nem por onde começar. Quem sabe você pode até pensar que lhe falta o conhecimento necessário em EXCEL para fazer isso. Mas tenho uma triste notícia para lhe dar....