Mobile Automation with Xamarin UITest

  • 4.3
5.5 hours on-demand video
$ 24.99

Brief Introduction

Automate cross platform application with Xamarin.UITest for android/ios


Mobile Automation with Xamarin UITest course is the first ever course on the internet as video series which address some of the most important concepts on Xamarin.

The course begins from very basic and progress to advance concepts of xamarin such as

  1. Understand basic of Xamarin app development
  2. Understand Xamarin UITest basic concepts such as

    1. Record and Playback 
    2. REPL
    3. Locators
    4. Page Object Model
  3. Working with Hybrid application developed with Ionic 2 framework
  4. Working with advanced concepts of Xamarin such as
    1. Advanced interations
    2. Backdoors
    3. Xamarin Test Cloud
  5. BDD with Specflow 


  • Requirements
  • Should have basic knowledge on any mobile automation testing tool
  • Should have basic understanding on Android application
  • Good understanding in C#
  • Basic understanding in Selenium
$ 24.99
Available now
5.5 hours on-demand video
Karthik KK


Karthik KK

  • 4.3 Raiting
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