Brief Introduction
Improve your relationships with deeper connection, as clear communication skills are the doorway to love.Description
Whenever misunderstandings occur in your relationships with others, this will decrease your connectedness and the amount of love that is there. If you want to really know each other, and make the relationship work, clear communications skills will be needed. In this course you can learn to communicate more clearly.
You can use these clear communication skills to improve your:
intimate love relationships
dates / dating
family relationships / marriage
professions collegeau relationships at work
The communication skills that we'll cover in this course to help you kickstart clear communication in your relationships are:
To show what's inside of you
To keep talking in situations where before you would close your mouth (and heart!)
To communicate your feelings
To communicate your desires
To communicate your no's
To communicate your triggers
Being a team with the person you're communicating with
This course contains 7 lectures, a few simple exercises you can do with a friend or partner, and a reflection exercise to help you implement the relationship advice in your actual relationships.
If you're looking for any support, you can ask your questions in the Q&A. For in-depth coaching, please visit my personal website to read more about that possibility.