JavaScript ES6 Course: ECMA Script 6 (Step by Step)
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Brief Introduction
Learn the most important parts of modern JavaScript with Complete JavaScript ES6+ Course.Description
ECMA Script 6 or ES6 is the latest standard used in JavaScript to get the most out of the JavaScript language itself. A lot of new syntax and keywords have now been added to the JavaScript ES6 update.
These updates have actually improved the performance of how good and fast can JavaScript be used in many web applications.
Some of the most popular JavaScript frameworks are NodeJS, Angular by Google, ReactJS by Facebook use the modern JavaScript ES6. In this course we will cover everything that is required to get get started with the modern JavaScript. After completing this course you can further proceed to any Popular JavaScript Framework.
- Requirements
- Basics of HTML and CSS
- Fundametals of JavaScript (Not necessary) or Basics of JavaScript is good enough
- Basic computer skills
- Complete JavaScript ES6+ (ECMA Script 6)
- How does transpiling work in ES6
- Work with Babel JS
- Install and Setup Node JS
- New syntax in JavaScript ES6+
- Using the Const Keyword
- Making use of Template Strings
- Using spread operator in JavaScript ES6
- Using Default function parameters
- Working with Object literals
- Using Arrow functions in JavaScript ES6+
- Using the "this" scope in modern JavaScript
- Learn how to destructure in JavaScript
- How to use generators in ES6+
- Working with "class" syntax
- Learning how to use inheritance in ES6+