iPad Video Production with Playback

  • 4.1

Brief Introduction

Video production made easy! Give your creativity free rein and love the results!


Important note: This software has been discontinued. You may find that some of the production processes can be applied to your video projects with other software.


Love video? Then make your own great looking videos on your iPad with Playback.

In eight tutorials — all made with Playback on the iPad — you'll learn how to use this slick app to create great looking videos. The course takes you from the basics, through import and export, expanding the options with Keynote, sound recording techniques, and optional video capture using AirServer.

Every tutorial gives you production notes detailing step-by-step exactly how that particular tutorial was created. Each set of production notes is an excellent guide to help you put what you learned into practice.

If you like to experiment with video, then your iPad and Playback can give you new ways to experiment — and give you results you'll be pleased with.

If you're an instructor, producing your instructional videos with iPad and Playback will be both time- and cost-effective. And your students will be impressed!

Go ahead –– turn your creativity loose!

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