How To Run A Successful Video Production Company

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39 mins on-demand video
$ 12.99

Brief Introduction

Turn your passion into your career


If you love creating video content and are now ready to make it your career then this class might just be for you.

Together we will explore various aspects of setting up a video production company. We will run through the following topics:

  • Selecting an effective company name

  • Branding tips

  • Tips for setting up a website

  • SEO tips

  • Show-reels and Portfolios

  • Getting paid clients

  • Working with clients

  • Pitching for work

  • + some useful resources

You will learn practical tips to help get your company seen online and how to to improve your visibility.

You will also pick up tips about when potential clients start to approach you and also useful guidance on how to pitch and secure video work.

You will add to an online mood board to give you an overall feel of what your future video production company could look like online.

You don't need to have any skills in software or programmes to complete this course.

I have learned a lot over the years and would love to share some of the tips I have picked up along the way to help you on your video production journey.


  • Requirements
  • No course requirements needed
$ 12.99
Available now
39 mins on-demand video
Joe Skillington


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