Easy 18 Qigong for Health and Stress Reduction

  • 4.7
1.5 hours on-demand video
$ 14.99

Brief Introduction

Finding health through gentle movement


Qigong movements help promote a tranquil mind, decreased stress, and improved health.  These beautiful, simple moves are easily attainable with Susan's approach and ease of instruction.  All Qigong movements are soft, gentle and flowing, yet challenging at the same time.  Qigong and Tai Chi are often referred to as "meditation through movement" because one's mind becomes quieted through engaging in the movements of slowness and fluidity.  

Each movement has specific inherent medical benefits.  There is more and more medically based research supporting the benefit of Qigong and Tai Chi for:

  • healing
  • boosting the immune system
  • increasing energy
  • reducing pain
  • increasing strength and balance
  • reducing stress and anxiety 

Anyone can perform the movements, regardless of age or fitness level.  There is no getting up and down off of the floor, no holding of awkward postures, and no extreme stretching or pushing of one's body into discomfort.  Rather, we respect our body and remain in a comfort zone of movement throughout .  

The movements flow from one to the other, generating a gentle flow of "Qi" in our bodies.  This "Qi", or life force/energy, creates an environment of healing, both mentally and physically, prompting a calmness, internal peace and cultivating both inner and external strength.  


  • Requirements
  • No previous experience necessary
  • Suitable to all levels of Qigong and Tai Chi practitioners, from beginner to advanced
  • Set aside 3 minutes or 15 minutes, totally depending on your schedule
  • No equipment needed. No getting up and down off of the floor.
  • Can be performed anywhere, without need for equipment or special clothing
$ 14.99
Available now
1.5 hours on-demand video
Susan Thompson


Susan Thompson

  • 4.7 Raiting
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