CCIE Routing and Switching 400-101 Written Practice Tests

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$ 12.99

Brief Introduction

Pass the exam with two high-quality practice tests based on CCIE Routing and Switching Written Exam blueprint


This course contains two complete, high-quality practice tests to help you master the blueprint topics contained in the Cisco CCIE Routing and Switching 400-101 written exam. These practice tests will allow you to assess your knowledge and prepare for the actual exam. The idea here is very simple - Test your knowledge -> Identify areas of improvement -> Review these areas -> Pass the CCIE Routing and Switching written exam.

The questions in these practice tests are based on the Cisco blueprint that provides guidelines on which topics will appear in the written exam. Each question contains a detailed explanation on why a particular answer is correct. It is important to understand that while two or more answers may seem to be correct, given the situation in the question only one would be deemed as the correct answer.

The passing percentage for the practice tests is 80%. You will have 120 minutes to complete each test. You will receive your final score at the end of each test so you can recognize the areas that need more of your time and focus.

Happy learning!


Some Frequently asked questions (FAQs):

Are CCIE Routing and Switching Written practice tests enough on their own for me to ace the exam?

These practice tests should be seen as an opportunity to review the information you have acquired during the course of study for CCIE Routing and Switching written exam. These tests will help your preparation before taking the written exam. These tests should not be seen as the sole source of preparation for the exam, as no single resource can possibly cover an exam at an expert level, and as coveted as CCIE Written.

Why should I buy these tests, I have access to other exam resources?

While no single resource can possible cover all the depth, these practice tests help you verify your understanding of key concepts spread across a number of areas related to blueprint published by Cisco. Moreover, the tests in these two sets are timed at prescribed 120 minutes and provide an interactive platform to go through blueprint driven approach. This way, you will know when you’re possibly taking more time than the official test allows. The approach to taking the actual written exam would be much clearer for first time exam takers.


$ 12.99
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Akhil Behl


Akhil Behl

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