Adventures in Wine Crafting

  • 4.2
2 hours on-demand video
$ 12.99

Brief Introduction

How to make wine in the comfort of your own kitchen


Do  you enjoy a good glass of wine and wonder if you could make it yourself?

Have you been making wine from kits? Would you like to try to make wine directly from fruits but are afraid that you’ll mess them up?

Wine making is an easy-to-learn skill.

The adventure begins when you realize that the basic principle of wine making from one fruit can be easily applied to vegetables, flowers, and teas. The varieties you make are only limited by the produce you can obtain.

Every lesson was video recorded in my home kitchen so you can see how easy it is for anyone to make wine.

The information presented in this course will give you the knowledge and the confidence to start making your own wine.

You will learn how to:

  • Properly select and prepare your produce

  • Use a hydrometer and a refractor to determine the potential alcohol content of your wine

  • Determine the right time to bottle your wine

This easy to follow course provides the recipe used for each wine variety.

The downloadable companion book contains the information in this course along with all the recipes. Print it out before starting the course and take notes right in the book.


  • Requirements
  • No prior knowledge of wine making
  • Access to a room that has running water and a stove
  • Access to a room that can be kept at a constant warm temperature
  • Availability of basic wine making equipment
  • Willingness to try making an "other than grape" wine
  • Access to a variety of fruits and vegetables
$ 12.99
Available now
2 hours on-demand video
Linda Watson-Call


Linda Watson-Call

  • 4.2 Raiting
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