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Visualizing Japan (1850s-1930s): Westernization, Protest, Modernity
by John W. Dower , Andrew Gordon , Shigeru Miyagawa , Gennifer Weisenfeld- 0.0
6 Weeks
A MITx/HarvardX collaboration, this course explores Japan’s transition into the modern world through the historical visual record. This MITx course was developed in collaboration with HarvardX and is co-taught by MIT, Harvard, and Duke historians. VJxwill cover the following topics in four modules: Module 0: Introduction: New Historical Sources for a Digital Age (Professors Dower, Gordon, Miyagawa)....
Visualizing the Birth of Modern Tokyo
by Shigeru Miyagawa , John W. Dower , James T. Ulak , Hiromu Nagahara- 0.0
6 Weeks
See Tokyo’s modernization through the “100 views” tradition, from the gas-lit 1870s to the jazz era 1930s. From MIT Visualizing Cultures, with the Smithsonian Institution. This course shows the emergence of modern Tokyo through artist renderings of its neighborhoods, daily life and nightlife, nested between its recurring destruction by natural disasters and war....
Representations of HIV/AIDS
by Dave Wessner , Ann Fox- 0.0
10 Weeks
Why study Representations of HIV/AIDS? What is our course philosophy? This class engages students in a transdisciplinary conversation about representations of HIV/AIDS: in scientific articles, journalism, visual art, literature, drama, and popular culture. You will join us in studying widely varying representations of HIV/AIDS from the perspective of the kinds of academics we are: a literary critic and a scientist....
Creating a Digital Cultural Heritage Community
by Fred Truyen , Sarah Whatley , Neil Forbes , Rosamaria Cisneros- 0.0
8 Weeks
Learn how to create a community for digital cultural heritage through innovative practices for user engagement. Do you want to know what happens behind the scenes of museums, archives and libraries? Have you ever wondered what these organisations do to share their collections with audiences? Would you like to learn how to build a strong digital community for cultural heritage?...
Circular Fashion: Design, Science and Value in a Sustainable Clothing Industry
by Louise O. Fresco , Dr. Kim Poldner , Dr. Nishant Shah , Paulien Harmsen MSc- 0.0
5 Weeks
The fundamentals of circular fashion unraveled, learn about circularity in all steps of the fashion value chain. From new textile materials and circular design all the way to business modelling. The fashion industry has a large influence on the global economy and is more and more known for its social and environmental impact....
Historia global de la arquitectura islámica: espacio, ciudad, arte
by Manuel Sánchez García- 0.0
4 Weeks
En este curso lograrás descubrir el legado de los pueblos islámicos en el Mediterráneo y el mundo y desdibujar los límites entre oriente y occidente, identificar las conexiones de tu entorno con Al-Ándalus y conocer los principios del Islam aplicables en la arquitectura contemporánea. Descubrirás las claves de las medinas amuralladas y su urbanismo orgánico....
Fundamentos de fotografía documental
by Luis Alberto Cardozo Acosta- 0.0
6 Weeks
El curso proporcionará herramientas teóricas y técnicas para emplear la fotografía como parte de una investigación en las ciencias sociales, artes y las humanidades. Además de desarrollarcapacidades interpretativas y creativas de la fotografía. No obstante, el campo es mucho más amplio en cuanto desarrollan capacidades interpretativas y creativas de la fotografía....
Identidad latinoamericana a través de la moda: prendas con historia
by Vanessa Rueda Moya- 0.0
4 Weeks
Aprende y cuestiona la historia de nuestra identidad a través de prendas que han marcado y fundamentado nuestro estilo personal Este curso aportará una visión expandida de la moda en Latinoamérica a través de prendas específicas que acercarán al estudiante a su propia identidad, así mismo generará curiosidad sobre el mundo sartorial que lo rodea, cuestionando su historia y función....
by PD Dr. Patrick Becker- 0.0
4 Weeks
Im MOOC nutzen Sie philosophische Werkzeuge, um ‚Religion‘ als Phänomen besser zu verstehen und um über religiöse Überzeugungen nachzudenken. Sie sind von Religion(en) fasziniert und stehen doch auch in kritischer Distanz? Sie haben Lust, religiöse Aussagen auf den philosophischen Seziertisch zu legen? Sie wollen verstehen, was ‚Religion‘ eigentlich ist und warum Menschen religiöse Überzeugungen haben?...
L'innovazione sociale per il patrimonio culturale
by Stefano Consiglio- 0.0
7 Weeks
Impara a valorizzare il patrimonio culturale attraverso processi di rifunzionalizzazione Il nostro patrimonio culturale è un bene prezioso, a volte poco valorizzato. Molti sono i luoghi che, sebbene ricchi di storia e cultura, sono stati a lungo dimenticati ma poi riscoperti e valorizzati. L'attenzione si concentra sul fenomeno dell'innovazione sociale applicata al patrimonio culturale....