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Actionable Tips to Help You Improve Your Study Habits Revealed

We live in a world of distractions – studying is not as easy as it used to be. One phone notification is enough to shift your focus from a course to your Instagram fee.

The good news is that there are ways to improve your study habits so that you can reach your learning and career goals.

This is a list of our top recommended tips for students of every level.

Expert Tips to Improve Your Study Habits

1. Switch Your Phone to Focus Mode

Smartphones are arguably the number one reason why we find it hard to focus on a task. Most modern smartphone operating systems now make it possible to temporarily shut down the apps you find distracting. Once you’re in focus mode, you won’t receive any notifications that could take your mind off your lessons. There are two ways you can enable Focus mode on your device:

  • To find your Control Center, swipe down from the top of the screen and select Focus Mode.
  • You could also navigate to Settings > Digital Wellbeing > Focus Mode. You can even choose the apps you wish to disable.

2. Get Dressed & Show Up

If you’re looking for ways to improve your study habits, chances are you spend too much time cozied up in your pajamas and studying from bed. We know this setting is comfortable, but it also provokes feelings of laziness.

If being lazy is what you’re struggling with, consider hitting the shower and getting dressed before you start studying. You’ll feel more determined and refreshed, and you’ll be able to approach your study time with a different mindset.

3. Take Regular Breaks

Several studies concluded that pausing to relax is crucial for increasing productivity. Overstudying can result in academic performance decrease, insomnia, and other health issues.

A technique called “Pomodoro” suggests studying or working on a project for 25 minutes, then taking a five-minute break. You can repeat the cycle as long as you need. And after four work intervals, you can take a 15-minute break.

To start out, download an interval timer app on your phone and schedule a 25-5 program. This will help you focus on the work instead of checking the clock all too often.

4. Move Your Body

Exercise is a crucial part of the equation when it comes to improving study skills. Research shows that regular exercise is one of the most effective ways to improve memory, concentration, motivation, and mood.

If you study at home a lot, use short breaks to get your heart rate up by doing 10-15 reps of sit-ups, pushups, or crunches. Whatever activity you choose is fine, just move your body.

5. Set Actionable Study Goals

A typical study goal looks something like this:

  • Pass the US History exam
  • Write the Chemistry assignment

These goals are too focused on an end result. Instead, you want to draft your goals so they focus on the action needed to achieve them.

Here’s a rework of the above-mentioned goals that will actually motivate you to complete them:

  • To pass the US History exam, I’ll go over my notes every day this week and read one chapter per day. I’ll write down the terms I struggle with and look for explanations on the internet.
  • To write my Chemistry assignment, I’ll gather background information using an encyclopedia, read three to five journal articles on my topic, and write one page per day. I’ll work in 25-minute intervals and take five-minute breaks in between.

6. Focus on One Thing at a Time

Build your essays, projects, and assignments layer by layer. We can use the chemistry assignment example to illustrate what this means. Instead of working on the background information and structuring the shape of your essay at the same time, you want to dedicate a 25-minute interval to each task separately.

The same is true when copy-editing your work. When you get to this part of the process, re-read the text first to eliminate grammar mistakes. Then go over it again to check for clarity issues. This way, you’ll proofread your work in more detail and make sure it’s masterfully written.

7. Treat Yourself for Completing Study Goals

If you feel like you could use additional motivation to complete your studies, think about rewarding yourself for achieving small milestones. For example, allow yourself to watch one episode of your favorite show after writing three pages of an essay. Or treat yourself to a quality pen or notebook that will make future lessons more attractive.

Find an Online Learning Course

Online learning platforms are great for improving your study habits – you get to learn new things in an engaging and interactive environment. Different eLearning platforms have different course structures, so find a structure that works for you. Perhaps you prefer video lessons? Or maybe you want to work on real-life projects? There is a platform suited to every learner. 

Want to find out more about the top online learning sites? We’ve reviewed several on the Coursary blog.