Spring 5 Core - An Ultimate Guide

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8.5 hours on-demand video
$ 12.99

Brief Introduction

Learn Spring 5 : Core Concepts, Dependency Injection, Bean Configuration, Autowiring, AOP, SpEL


A comprehensive guide on Spring fundamentals. Whether you are a complete beginner on Spring Framework or an experience Spring developer, there are so many take ways from this course.

It covers the following Spring concepts:-

Module 1: Course Overview

  1. Introduction

  2. What we need

  3. Target Audience

  4. Prerequisite

  5. Course Walk through

  6. What won’t be covered

  7. Module summary

Module 2:  Set up the development Environment

  1. Introduction

  2. Installing Java

  3. Installing Maven

  4. Installing - Spring Tool Suite

  5. Creating Maven Project in Spring Tool Suite

  6. Installing - Intellij IDEA

  7. Creating Maven Project in Intellij Idea

Module 3: Spring Core Introduction

  1. Spring Overview

  2. Spring History

  3. Spring Modules

  4. Dependency Management: Traditional Ways

  5. Dependency Management: Dependency Injection

  6. Concepts of POJO and Bean

  7. Inversion of Control : Spring IOC Container

  8. Bean Factory Interface

  9. ApplicationContext Interface

  10. Configuring beans: XML based, Annotation and Java Config configuration

  11. Module conclusion

Module 4: XML Based configuration

  1. Introduction

  2. Configuring POJOs with XML based configuration

  3. ClassPathXmlApplicationContext

  4. Setter based dependency Injection

  5. Constructor based dependency Injection

  6. Constructor vs Setter based Injections

  7. Circular dependencies

  8. Composing XML-based Configuration Metadata

  9. Referencing Other beans

  10. Inner Beans

  11. Handling Java Collections

  12. Merging Collections

  13. Depends-on

  14. Lazy-Initialization

Module 5: Autowiring

  1. Basics of Autowiring

  2. Autowiring Types,

  3. No Autowiring ,

  4. Autowiring byName,

  5. Autowiring byType

  6. Autowiring constructor

  7. Issues with Autowiring

Module 6: Java Configuration

  1. Configuring beans with Java Configuration

  2. Component scan with @ComponentScan

  3. @Configuration and @Bean Annotation

  4. @Component, @Configuration, @Service and @Repository annotations

  5. Constructor Injection

  6. Autowiring POJOs

  7. @Primary Annotation

  8. @Qualifier Annotation

  9. Importing Configuration

  10. @Scope Annotation

  11. @Lazy Annotation

  12. @DependsOn

Module 7: Spring Beans in Depth

  1. Introduction

  2. Bean Life Cycle Callbacks

  3. @PostConstruct and @PreDestroy annotations

  4. Bean Scope

  5. Bean Post Processor

  6. POJO Creation with factory methods - Static factory, instance method and Spring factory bean

  7. Managing environments - @Profile annotation

  8. Spring Aware Interfaces

  9. BeanNameAware

  10. BeanFactoryAware

  11. ApplicationContextAware

  12. MessageSourceAware

  13. ResourceLoaderAware

  14. EnvironmentAware

Module 8: Spring Aspect Oriented Programming

  1. AOP Introduction

  2. Core AOP Concepts

  3. What is Aspect?

  4. Join Point

  5. What is Advice?

  6. Pointcut

  7. AOP Proxy

  8. Aspectj

  9. Weaving

  10. Aspectj and @EnableAspectJAutoProxy annotation

  11. Advice Annotations: @Before, @After, @AfterReturing, @AfterThrowing, @Around

  12. @Before and @After Annotation

  13. @AfterReturning Annotation

  14. @AfterThrowing Annotation

  15. @Around

  16. Demostration

Module 9: Spring Task Executor

  1. Introduction to Java Executor, ExecutorService

  2. Runnable, Callable and Future

  3. Threadpool - Fixed thread pool , Cached thread pool, Single thread executor, scheduled thread pool executor

  4. Spring TaskExecutor

  5. Spring SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor

  6. Spring SyncTaskExecutor

  7. Spring TaskExecutorAdapter

Module 10: Communication between Beans - ApplicationEvent Management

  1. Introduction

  2. ApplicationListener Interface

  3. ApplicationEventPublisher

  4. Example

Module 11: Conclusion

  1. Source Code

  2. Course Aummary

  3. WhatsNext


  • Requirements
  • Core Java Knowledge
  • Basic understanding of Maven (Optional)


  • Spring Framework Core Concepts
  • Spring History
  • Environment Set up in STS and Intellij Idea
  • Spring Dependency Injection
  • Configuring Spring IoC Container through XML configuration
  • Configuring Spring IoC Container through Java annotation configuration
  • Spring Bean Autowiring - ByName, ByType, Constructor
  • Spring Bean Life Cycle Callbacks, Bean Post Processor,
  • Spring Aspect Oriented Programming, Concept of AOP, Aspect, Advice, Join Point, Pointcut, Different Advise types
  • Spring Task Executor - SyncTaskExecutor, SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor, TaskExecutorAdapter
  • Spring Bean Communication - ApplicationEvent, ApplicationListener, ContextClosedEvent, ContextRefreshedEvent, ApplicationEventPublisherAware, @EventListener
$ 12.99
Available now
8.5 hours on-demand video
Somnath Musib


Somnath Musib

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